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Subject: Re: BP specification and documents submitted to QR
Regarding comment 27, lines 734-736: This is mostly a TP team issue, not a BP issue. I agree that in principle, a CPP and CPA should be able to reference a non-ebXML business collaboration description. Hence, words to the effect that a CPP or CPA MAY reference a description derived from the BP Specification Schema might be appropriate in the BP Specification Schema. The reality of the situation is in two parts: 1. The CPP and CPA have, in at least two places, elements and attributes that are specific to the BP Specification Schema. It is highly likely that variants or completely different element structures would be needed in those areas to reference an alternative business collaboration description. 2. The TP team has not done the work to either generalize the reference to the business collaboration description or to provide element sets for specific alternative business collaboration descriptions and it will not be possible to do this work before May 12, especially since the work might have to involve the organizations that "own" the alternative descriptions. This work is most appropriately done in whatever venue takes over the CPP-CPA work after May 12. This joint work is the same model that the BP and TP team used to get as far as we have gotten. The result of the above is that the CPA-CPP specification effectively prescribes the use of the description derived from the ebXML BP Specification Schema. The TP team could add appropriate MAYs to its spec but the reality of the situation is that alternatives are not supported at this time because of (2) above. The TP team could also add an informative note suggesting allowing for alternative business collaboration descriptions in the future but the last time this was discussed, the TP team agreed that such a note is not appropriate in an approved specification. I would prefer simply to keep the subject on my futures list. Regards, Marty ************************************************************************************* Martin W. Sachs IBM T. J. Watson Research Center P. O. B. 704 Yorktown Hts, NY 10598 914-784-7287; IBM tie line 863-7287 Notes address: Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM Internet address: mwsachs @ us.ibm.com ************************************************************************************* Tim McGrath <tmcgrath@tedis.com.au> on 04/18/2001 10:02:08 PM Please respond to tmcgrath@tedis.com.au To: Karsten Riemer <Karsten.Riemer@east.sun.com> cc: ebxml-bp@lists.ebxml.org, ebxml-core@lists.ebxml.org, "'ebXML Coordination'" <ebxml-coord@lists.ebxml.org> Subject: Re: BP specification and documents submitted to QR please see comments in line... Karsten Riemer wrote: Tim, A request for clarification on a couple of the QRT issues against BP SpecSchema: 12 4/3 QRT Line 369 and 536 "two" should be "more". NB not confined to two flows. (Is QRT pointing out an assumed errata, or is this a proposal for a design change? A Business Transaction MUST in fact have either one or two Document Flows associated with it, never zero, never more than two. Perhaps the misuderstanding is that a BinaryCollaboration certainly can have more than one (or two) business transactions, each with one or two docuement flows. Unless there is something else behind this issue, I will flag it as "no change required".) it may have been our misunderstanding, we may have thought the model would enable a Business Transaction to involve many parties. however, if your intention is as above, then may i suggest you make the following changes... line 253 - add the statement "A Business Transaction must have either one or two Document Flows associated with it, never zero, never more than two." line 369 "Each Business Transaction shall consist of either one or two predefined Business Document Flows." line 536 "A Business Transaction consists of a Requesting Business Activity, a Responding Business Activity, and either one or two Document Flows between them." this does two things. firstly, indicate that the term 'Business Transaction' is being used in its ebXML context. secondly, it emphasises that the cardinality is being explicit. (unfortunately the phrase 'one or two' is often a throw away phrase for quantifying a group.) 27 4/3 QRT Line 734-736 A CPA need not use an ebXML business process. ebXML can be incrementally adopted. 28 4/3 QRT Line 737 "must" should be "could" (see point above). Is the intent of these two issues to assert that an ebXML CPA need not refer to any business-process-specfication at all, or that an ebXML CPA may refer to some non ebXML business-process-specfication (or both)? I am corresponding with TP team about this, but wanted to know the intent of the issue. our intent is that "that an ebXML CPA may refer to some non ebXML business-process-specfication". however, having made a quick check, i realise you are correct in your specification document. the current CPP/CPA spec states: line 496 "The CollaborationRole element SHALL consist of the following child elements: a REQUIRED ProcessSpecification element, ..." and subsequently... line 554 "The ProcessSpecification element provides the link to the Process-Specification document that defines the interactions between the two Parties. This document is prepared in accord with the ebXML Business Process Specification Schema specification[BPMSPEC]." our concern is that this would prevent organisations not using business process models (in ebXML BPSS form) from using ebXML CPAs. we cannot see why this restriction is necessary. this is not a question for your team, we shall take this up with the TP team as well. meanwhile, i suggest you keep the statement unchanged as it reflects the CPP/CPA specification. thanks, -karsten -- regards tim mcgrath TEDIS fremantle western australia 6160 phone: +618 93352228 fax: +618 93352142
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