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Subject: RE: Schema & BP Spec: Items for today's BP/CC meeting


Most of the XML specs I have seen in standards groups are now using XSD or
looking at XSD, even if it's not finally approved yet. (UDDI, BPMI, UCC,
RIXML, OAG, ...)
As a member of W3C I can tell that most of the vote for XSD are in favor of
publishing the spec as is.
I have not seen many organizations using RDF now (whatever it's benefits may
be. I like the RDF spec also).
My feeling in that most people are expecting XSD, not RDF.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Clark [mailto:jdc-icot@lcc.net]
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 10:59 AM
To: Smith, Neal L. (NLSM)
Cc: 'ebxml@eccnet.eccnet.com'; 'ebxml-bp@lists.ebxml.org'
Subject: Re: Schema & BP Spec: Items for today's BP/CC meeting


Referencing back to my previous email, there is currently a W3C standard
facilitates our goal. This standard is RDF. There are also production rules
(style sheets) available to translate RDF to  DTD's and XML Docs and
when it is ready.

Your thoughts?

Jim Clark
Sr. Dir of Industry Solutions

"Smith, Neal L. (NLSM)" wrote:

> EbXML Requirements document states a preference for W3C schema standards,
> not OASIS or ISO.
> --------------------------
> Neal Smith
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Betty Harvey <ebxml@eccnet.eccnet.com>
> To: Hayes, Brian <Brian.Hayes@Commerceone.com>
> CC: ebxml-bp@lists.ebxml.org <ebxml-bp@lists.ebxml.org>
> Sent: Mon Apr 16 22:06:12 2001
> Subject: Re: Schema & BP Spec: Items for today's BP/CC meeting
> The problem with delivering only a W3C schema is that it isn't
> approved yet.  Tools available for working with schemas
> are limited.  If ebXML is a standards body, it can't deliver
> only a schema when schema is standard.  Also, there are 2 other
> schema specifications being worked on by 2 other standards
> organizations, TREX by OASIS and RELAX through ISO.
> I think it would be wiser to deliver a DTD as the official
> deliverable and a schema as an 'added value'.
> Betty
> /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
> Betty Harvey                         | Phone: 410-787-9200 FAX: 9830
> Electronic Commerce Connection, Inc. |
> harvey@eccnet.com                    | Washington,DC SGML/XML Users Grp
> URL:  http://www.eccnet.com          | http://www.eccnet.com/xmlug/
> /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\\/\/
> On Mon, 16 Apr 2001, Hayes, Brian wrote:
> > Karsten wrote:
> > > An issue just raised by Neal: Should we include a W3C schema
> > > version of the
> > > SpecSchema along with (or instead of) the DTD? What is the
> > > recommendation from
> > > BP/CC - DTD or Schema, or both?
> >
> > Time permiting, I strongly recommend we deliver a schema version.  DTDs
> are
> > not precise enough for defining interfaces (structure and strings) and
> > BP Spec Schema is essentially and interface.
> >
> > Brian
> >
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