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Subject: Re: decisions made with Jim today
KR: To implement "Change word isSuccess to isPositiveResponse": 1. My run through the word doc version of BPSS v1.00A indicates a global change of the name is still needed. I pick up "isSuccess" approximately at lines 648, 697, 703, 758, 776, 2213, 2218, 2463, 2872, 2877, 2879, 2885, 2889, 2896, 2904, 3000, 3004, 3006, 3012. 2. Additionally, the following text approximately at lines 1764 and 2477: "isSuccess -- An expression whose evaluation results in TRUE or FALSE as the determination of whether this DocumentFlow should be considered the successful initiation or conclusion of a BusinessTransaction." needs re-writing, both to note the XPath functionality Kurt described, and to include the following: "isPositiveResponse ... -- The value for the parameter supplied for a Document[Envelope/Flow] is an assertion by the sender of the Document[Envelope/Flow] regarding its intent for the transaction to which it relates, but does not bind the recipient, or override the computation of transactional success or failure using the transaction's guard expressions." 3. The parameter should be indicated as optional not required.
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