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Subject: Fw: Issues List for Business Process Specification 1.0

Neal Smith

-----Original Message-----
From: Neal <neals384@pacbell.net>
To: nlsm <NLSM@MSSITE01.ion.chevron.com>
Sent: Sat May 05 05:17:35 2001
Subject: Fw: Issues List for Business Process Specification 1.0

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Neal 
To: 'ebxml-bp@lists.ebxml.org' 
Cc: Karsten Riemer 
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 9:22 PM
Subject: Issues List for Business Process Specification 1.0

We have received two issues related to version 1.0.  The public comment
period is now closed.
Neal Smith


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