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Subject: Revised Draft Proposal to eBTWG (Collaboration Patterns and Commitments)
We have received a few editorial changes to the original Draft Proposal on Collaboration Patterns and Commitments to eBTWG; and we have worked on those editorial changes. One of the changes requested was for a much shorter version of the proposal, that that was felt would be easier for the eBTWG reviewers to process. Attached is such a shorter version of the original proposal we distributed yesterday, where in essance the shorter version captures the key elements of the original proposal you have seen. We wish to submit the shorter version to eBTWG Chair's on Monday, and we suggest the original longer version original Draft Proposal be kept and used as an initial working draft document (if !) when the project begins. Again, if anyone has any comments please feel free to send them our way and we'll work on them. Thanks again. -Dave Welsh
Project Proposal - (eBTWG) - 5.doc
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