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Subject: RE: comments on proposal to ebTWG

Thanks for your comments on the revised shorter proposal. We had a few editorial comments for the original longer proposal, but your's was the only one for the reworked shorter proposal.

> 1. There is no linkage between BPSS and UMM patterns. The 
> document mentions a reference, 
> but this is merely a string. There is no semantics 
> associated, and the string could point 
> to any pattern, UMM or otherwise.
The new, or the original proposal from last week, doesn't 'sit in judgement' to address quality of service issues BPSS today may face to render UMM transaction patterns. Rather the eBTWG proposal is addressing a more significant business operating concern, namely the pressing business operations
need for declarative business collaboration patterns.

> 2. I don't think the deliverable should include proposed XML 
> syntax for BPSS. It should be
> a 'syntax-fre' model, which then the BPSS team would turn 
> into XML syntax.
I'm sorry, but what BPSS team ? Right now BPSS is being 'governed' by the eBTWG, the same body this proposal goes to. I haven't seen anything from the eBTWG that breaks out BPSS as a standing seperate team, but rather I thought that while we were in transition to a more permenant CEFACT 'home' we
were all on 'projects' !

> 3. I am curious what version of the ebXML architecture 
> specification we are referencing. 
> The official one, or the one we wrote the 'whitepaper' for.?
That's an interesting remark, but perhaps that material as the fact that for ebXML (and CEFACT as a whole) that TMWG UMM is the immediate source ('law') for the BPSS; and I guess then by my loose analogy that Open-edi then becomes the 'bible'.

> Other than that, I think it looks like a good proposal, and I 
> am glad to see this
> first step on introducing REA to the ebXML BP specs.
Thanls for your vote. Just to be clear, this proposal isn't specifically about adding REA to ebXML BP(SS) but it's about a very key theme of end-to-end 'practical efforts' to progress ebXML beyond an initial technology launch and into key business themes of Business Collaboration Patterns and the
key concepts of 'commitments' and 'monitored commitments'; where we're hoping to start directly engaging vertical business communities.

Thanks again for your comments.
All the very best.
-Dave Welsh

> -karsten
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