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Subject: Re: eBTWG BPSS Project Proposal

Maarten Steen
> Sometimes, I get the feeling there is a hidden
> agenda in some of the project proposals (like the one on monitored
committments) to come
> up with a completely new language for business process analysis.

Not really.  The monitored commitments project wants to move
in the direction of enabling business users to define business processes
declaratively.  The declarations will need to map to one or more
languages, via predefined analysis components (for example, commitment-
fulfillment relationships, which is the example of the idea that the project
will focus on).

The idea is for business people to be able to say "I want to use the XYZ
order-fulfillment pattern" with maybe a little customization, rather than
needing to muck about with transitions, forks, joins, etc.  The patterns
could be implemented in different languages, as in current software
design patterns.

Clear enough?  There are examples of patterns at the business transaction
level in the UN/CEFACT UMM documents, for example, offer-acceptance.
We're just taking the idea up a level to longer business collaborations.

-Bob Haugen

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