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Subject: Re: eBTWG BPSS Project Proposal

I'd support either proposal for a BPSS maintenance project and I would gladly join such a
project team. Should I ask my UN/CEFACT head of delegation to be designated to the
project, or can I join a titre personnel?

A few observations:
1) In my opinion, the BPSS is (and should be) a scheme for exchanging business process
specifications between business partners. It is not a new modelling language or a language
to facilitate business process analysis. Sometimes, I get the feeling there is a hidden
agenda in some of the project proposals (like the one on monitored committments) to come
up with a completely new language for business process analysis. Ideally, the BPSS should
be expressive enough to capture the semantics of existing business process modelling
languages, such that we could all exchange specifications regardless of what tool or
language we use for analysis. Therefore, semantic alignment of the BPSS with existing BPM
languages should be one of the prime responsibilities of the BPSS project team.

2) The main purpose of the BPSS is for enterprises to be able to say to each other
(unilaterally, in their CPP, and bilaterally, in their CPA), "hey, we like to conduct
business in this way," and then for their systems or a 3rd party orchestrator to be
automatically configured to execute that process. In order for this to be possible, the
semantics of the BPSS needs to be defined much more rigorously than it is now. For
example, what does it mean if there are two transitions leaving a state? Without defining
the meaning of such constructs clearly, tool vendors will make their own interpretations
resulting in incompatibilities and conflicts. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance
that the BPSS project defines the semantics of process specifications.

Maarten Steen

"Hayes, Brian" wrote:

> (With all this email about the BPSS, I decided to join the fun and submit a
> project proposal. ;^)
> I respectfully submit a "Business Process Specification Schema Project"
> proposal for comment. I plan to submit this to Klaus-Dieter Naujok, eBTWG
> Chair, for eBTWG consideration on the close-of-business, Monday, August
> 27th
> unless responses indicate that it may be better to wait.
> I would like to thank Jamie Clark for his significant contributions to this
> proposal.
>  <<BPSS-Management-Proposal-WIP-O.2.rtf>>
> <<BPSS-Management-Proposal-WIP-O.2.htm>>
> Sincerely,
> Brian Hayes
> +1 (925) 520-4498

Dr. ir. Maarten W.A. Steen - Scientific Researcher
Telematica Instituut, Postbus 589, 7500 AN  Enschede, The Netherlands
phone: +31(0)53 4850 321
fax: +31(0)53 4850 400

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