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Subject: RE: Very tentative plan for ebTWG Commitments project

	Sounds fine. Along with commercial vendors, we should be able to develop a
skeleton prototyping effort. For all we know, this could be part of some
open source effort. And as you have mentioned, most probably we would have
more than one commercial implementation and it makes it easier.


  |-----Original Message-----
  |From: bhaugen [mailto:linkage@interaccess.com]
  |Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 12:21 PM
  |To: Krishna Sankar; ebxml-bp@lists.ebxml.org; ebtwg@lists.ebtwg.org
  |Subject: Re: Very tentative plan for ebTWG Commitments project
  |Krishna Sankar:
  |>   |>   |6. Get one or more software vendor to do a
  |>   |>   |runtime version.  The test cases should be ready.
  |>   |> <KS>
  |>   |> Would prefer the more - at least 2 or 3.
  |>   |> </KS>
  |>   |
  |>   |Are you volunteering?
  |>   |
  |> May be yes. But what am volunteering for ? A generic BP run time ?
  |We don't really know yet.  Dave Welsh and I (the originators of the
  |Commitment project) intend a narrow slice from business examples
  |through running code.  However, there are also a bunch of other
  |projects existing or springing up across this territory.  So we will
  |just need to keep our eyes open and when it's time to do a
  |prototype, see what's out there that we can re-use.  Hopefully
  |there will be at least one usable generic BP run time by then
  |(I actually expect more than one).
  |So implementation might just mean taking the commitment
  |ideas and adding them to some existing runtime software.
  |That is what I hope.
  |-Bob Haugen
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