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Subject: RE: eBTWG Proposal BPSS Revision Project 0.3 DRAFT

The proposal seems to get better as you addresses a lot of comments from other people, to the original draft you sent out. In addition to the comments below, in a way without specific reference also I think you're capturing some of real essence of David Webber's "Business Process Artifacts
Alignment" draft proposal.

It looks like a well justified proposal, and representative.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hayes, Brian [mailto:Brian.Hayes@Commerceone.com]
> Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 5:32 PM
> To: Ebxml-Bp@Lists. Ebxml. Org (E-mail); 
> ebtwg@lists.ebtwg.org (E-mail)
> Subject: eBTWG Proposal BPSS Revision Project 0.3 DRAFT
> Dear Collegues:
> 	I am submitting for further review the proposal I emailed last
> Friday, Aug 24th (subject: eBTWG BPSS Project Proposal).  The 
> comments and
> Karsten Riemer's alternative proposal have been good input.  
> I was asked at
> today's BP teleconference to review Karsten's proposal and 
> see if I could
> come up with a compromise proposal.  There was a good deal of 
> similarity
> between the two proposals.  However found it difficult to envision a
> compromise proposal since the nature of the proposals are 
> significantly
> different.
> 	Here is a summary of the changes that I made to the 
> version 0.2, Aug
> 24th proposal:
> + 1.2 Scope - Changed "and implment in the BPSS the 
> substantive changes
> developed by other projects..." to "and implement limited 
> changes to the
> BPSS recommended by other projects..."
>    [This addresses John Yunker's concern about substantive 
> changes.  The
> limitation on changes is also addressed in the description of 
> the first
> deliverable.]
> + 2 Deliverables
>   + Changed schema version in the first bullet to "1.0.1+" 
> from "1.1".  
>      [Aligns with Karsten Riemer's proposal, first bullet of 
> Deliverables]
>   + Added deliverable 
> 	- Consideration of renaming of the Business Process 
> Specification
> Schema 
> 	  to the Business Collaboration Specification Schema 
> 	  (This is to differentiate the schema with specifications and
> implementations 
> 	   that address internal "business process," EAI, and workflow)
>     [Addresses Todd Boyle's concern]
>   + Changed deliverable "Business Process Specification 
> Schema 1.x and 2.0"
> to 
>     "Requirements for Business Process Specification Schema 2.0"
>       (Document requirements for the future version of the 
> specification;
>       the requirements include incorporating other ebXML and related
> standards 
> 	work and improving its related model and objects) 
>     [This captures the stuff that is out of scope for the 
> project but will
> likely be discussed in the course of the project.]
>   + Added explaination to deliverable "Identify opportunities 
> to coordinate
> with other relevant standards"
> 	(Includes, but is not limited to, web services standards and 
> 	internal process flow/language standards)
>     [This captures the web services, XML runtime process 
> languages, and
> other eBusiness standards aspects of Karsten Riemer's 
> proposal.  I think
> this "deliverable" gives the project significant leeway to 
> address various,
> but relevant, standards.]
> + 3 Functional Membership
>    Changed opening paragraph and bullets to 
> 	"The project team is a group of experts with broad knowledge and
> experience in the areas of national and international 
> business processes and
> information exchanges crossing multiple vertical industry and service
> sectors, as well as representation from the technical development and
> implement ion community."
>     [Per suggestion from Klaus-Dieter Naujok]
> I hope my changes capture everyone's input.  My new plan is 
> to submit this
> the eBTWG chair on Wednesday, Aug 29th, end-of-business-day.
> Best Regards,
> Brian Hayes
> +1 (925) 520-4498
>  <<BPSS-Revision-Project-WIP-O.3.htm>> 

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