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Subject: eBTWG Proposal BPSS Revision Project 0.3 DRAFT

Dear Collegues:

	I am submitting for further review the proposal I emailed last
Friday, Aug 24th (subject: eBTWG BPSS Project Proposal).  The comments and
Karsten Riemer's alternative proposal have been good input.  I was asked at
today's BP teleconference to review Karsten's proposal and see if I could
come up with a compromise proposal.  There was a good deal of similarity
between the two proposals.  However found it difficult to envision a
compromise proposal since the nature of the proposals are significantly

	Here is a summary of the changes that I made to the version 0.2, Aug
24th proposal:

+ 1.2 Scope - Changed "and implment in the BPSS the substantive changes
developed by other projects..." to "and implement limited changes to the
BPSS recommended by other projects..."
   [This addresses John Yunker's concern about substantive changes.  The
limitation on changes is also addressed in the description of the first

+ 2 Deliverables
  + Changed schema version in the first bullet to "1.0.1+" from "1.1".  
     [Aligns with Karsten Riemer's proposal, first bullet of Deliverables]

  + Added deliverable 
	- Consideration of renaming of the Business Process Specification
	  to the Business Collaboration Specification Schema 
	  (This is to differentiate the schema with specifications and
	   that address internal "business process," EAI, and workflow)
    [Addresses Todd Boyle's concern]

  + Changed deliverable "Business Process Specification Schema 1.x and 2.0"
    "Requirements for Business Process Specification Schema 2.0"
      (Document requirements for the future version of the specification;
      the requirements include incorporating other ebXML and related
	work and improving its related model and objects) 
    [This captures the stuff that is out of scope for the project but will
likely be discussed in the course of the project.]

  + Added explaination to deliverable "Identify opportunities to coordinate
with other relevant standards"
	(Includes, but is not limited to, web services standards and 
	internal process flow/language standards)
    [This captures the web services, XML runtime process languages, and
other eBusiness standards aspects of Karsten Riemer's proposal.  I think
this "deliverable" gives the project significant leeway to address various,
but relevant, standards.]

+ 3 Functional Membership
   Changed opening paragraph and bullets to 
	"The project team is a group of experts with broad knowledge and
experience in the areas of national and international business processes and
information exchanges crossing multiple vertical industry and service
sectors, as well as representation from the technical development and
implement ion community."
    [Per suggestion from Klaus-Dieter Naujok]

I hope my changes capture everyone's input.  My new plan is to submit this
the eBTWG chair on Wednesday, Aug 29th, end-of-business-day.

Best Regards,
Brian Hayes
+1 (925) 520-4498


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