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Subject: Re: Summary of Steering Committee meeting 20th Sept.
Tim McGrath wrote:
On behalf of our team i sat in on the Steering Committee teleconference at 08:00 PDT 20th Sept.The meeting identified a few possible work items for our team next week. (the Glossary and a 'white paper' - see below)
The agenda was:
to be taken offline with TRP,PoC, GCI and Klaus1. PoC - GCI participation (Rik)Mike reported that if the 2 QR cycles PLUS a period for the Executive to consider the QR findings were added it would push the minimum document approval process beyond 12 weeks (ie between plenaries). Klaus commented that the target was never the make the process fit the plenary cycle, but to have the quality controls.2. Revised Specification Approval Process (Mike)BP - will probably not have a document before Tokyo and hope to send to QR immediately after Tokyo.3. Status Update on Draft Specifications (all PTL)
RegRep - Part 1 (domains) to go for 2nd review cycle before Tokyo. Other documents are being restructured and re-named to be specification of each RegRep service.
CoreComp - will have a Methodology and Core Component documents for QR in week prior to Tokyo.
TA - Glossary next week for QR. A copy of the QR team Summary of TA Spec document to be sent to Steering Committee.
TRP - now looking at Security and Reliable Message specifications. Rik commented on the value of our input :-}
TP - are currently working of defining what the Requirements of the Team are.
No issues4. Tokyo Meeting Update/Issues5. Other BusinessKlaus made the comment there was no one specific action item on UDDI - their discussion is based on the emails that have been flowing and feedback from the UN/EDIFACT meeting in Taiwan last week.Note: In regard to the UDDI and CBO issues the Executive has them scheduled for their conference call on Thursday. Unless there is additional information (to the messages exchanged) the topics are deferred until after the Executive conference call.Finally,
MAE Team noted that they are developing a 'white paper' which they want to fast-track through QR next Monday. this forms part of a Press Kit to be relased on OCt 2nd.
PM Team appear to be planning a start at Tokyo - this was not the understanding of the other Teams and will be clarified with the PM team.
tim mcgrath
TEDIS fremantle western australia 6160
phone: +618 93352228 fax: +618 93352142
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