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Subject: Re: ebXML Specification Schedule

Thanks Tim, good points, I will work with Anne on that,
Talk to you tomorrow,


>this looks very useful.
>just two suggestions.
>1. if this is to help the project teams (and us) then we need to add,
>but keep is different font (or some other differentiating method) the
>'white papers/discussion papers". in fact the BP/CC overview document is
>one of these, but also the 3-4 BP papers, security assessment , the
>glossary, the Registry Business Domain document, etc..  this could be a
>separate sheet, but i think we would lose the overall picture if we did
>2. as we have already discovered, the 'no later than' dates are not
>fixed in stone, this means that the first public review (26 Feb) has
>already gone and they ain't made it!  i suspect the better 'y axis'
>would be the weeks leading up to May 11th (our fixed date).  the top row
>could be the optimum path (the n.l.t dates), but when we plot the
>documents status we then show where they are at the cuurent week.  this
>shows us the slippage and slack available.  does that make sense?
>nagwa wrote:
>> Here is the first draft from the specs status, please let me know
>> what do you think
>> Nagwa
>>>     --------------------------------------------------------------
>                                ebXML Specification Schedule
>                                             First Cycle                       
>        Team                                        Specification Name          
>                         In QRT Review   In Public Review   In Edit Period   In
>QRT Review  In Public Review   In Edit Period
>                         (n.l.t. 19 Feb)   (n.l.t. 26 Feb)  (n.l.t. 12 Mar) 
>(n.l.t. 19 Mar) 
>                 BP and CC Document Overview                                    
>                           Version 1.0                                        
>                 Rules for application of Context
>                 (ebXML The role of context in the re-usability of Core
>Components and Business Processes)  Version 1.0                                 
>                 Methodology for developing CC
>                 (ebXML Methodology for the Discovery and Analysis of Core
>Components)                      Version 1.0                                    
>    Core
>    Components   Naming Conventions                                             
>                           Version 1.0                                        
>                 (ebXML Naming Conventions for Core Components and Business
>                 Core Component Catalog
>                 (ebXML Initial Catalogue of Core Components (.doc) + Appendix A
>(.xls))                    Version 1.0                                        
>'   0(a
>                 Methodology for Constructing Documents
>                 (ebXML Specification for the application of XML-based assembly
>and context rules)          Version 1.0                                        
>l  P+aes/
>    Business     Specification Schema                                           
>    Process      (ebXML Business Process Specification Schema)                  
>                                X                 X           Version 0.90    
>    Trading      CPP/CPA                                                        
>    Partners     (Collaboration-Protocol Profile and Agreement Specification)   
>                           Version 0.91                                       
>    Transport                                                                   
>    Routing &    Message Services                                               
>                                X                 X           Version 0.94    
>    Packaging    (ebXML Message Service Specification)                          
>                 Registry Information Model                                     
>                                X                 X           Version 0.56    
>    Registry &                                                                  
>    Repository                                                                  
>                 Registry Services                                              
>                                X                 X           Version 0.83     
>    Requirements ebXML Requirements                                             
>                                X                 X           Version 1.03    
>d=begin%3Avcard%0Aemail%3Binternet%3Aebxml-coord%on track for QRT submission
>before 19 Mar.
>tim mcgrath
>TEDIS   fremantle  western australia 6160
>phone: +618 93352228  fax: +618 93352142

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