Subject: ebXML:Core:Reference Sources
Hi all, Hope things are well. During our Orlando meeting, we identified a number sources we were going to use in researching our "context" work. Those sources are listed at the end of this note. I'm looking for anyone who can furnish hard or soft copies, or best yet URL's, for each source. Once we have those compiled, we will update the website. Please reply to either myself,, or James Whittle, at Your assistance is greatly appreciated. lms Work Group 1, "Context". The Task is to document the set of attributes that describe “context” of our semantic units for the purpose of determining content. Below are the initial set of identified area's of context. For each area of context there have been specified a set of reference sources, in parenthesis. 1 Classification of business sectors (SIC codes, UN/SPSS [DUNS], NACE) 2 Classification of products or services (UN/SPSS) 3 Class of business process (RosettaNet, IOTP, BSR, HL7, RIM, ElecTra, EWG-D1, GCI, ODETTE, EAN) 4 Class of purpose/function [enable communication, identify, qualify, define role] (, BPAWG)
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