Subject: ebXML:CC:Admin
Hi everyone, Hope you had a great weekend! I'm pleased to report that we have selected workgroup leaders for all but one work group. The context work group is still lacking a leader, but I'm going to temporarily assume this role. Each work group leader is well qualified for the role, and I personally am very pleased with experience and leadership these leaders are going to contribute to this effort. Attached is an excel spreadsheet, which lists each work group, the leader, participants and reviewers. If you are listed under a group where you don't intend to participate, or are not listed in a group where you plan on participating, please notify me as soon as possible with corrections. You will be contacted over the course of today or tomorrow by your team leader, who is trying to get each group organized to become productive as quickly as possible. We will initially be focused on identifying content for initial deliverables, a work plan for getting the work done, and work methods for doing that work. I thank you in advance for your cooperation and support for your work group leader. They have a tough job and aggressive schedule, please help them in every way you can! Lisa M. Shreve
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