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Subject: Re: REPOSTING - Finance Sub-group comments
Re: the ebXML CC Finance Sub-group's comments on the Aggregate Analysis document provided by Marianne Cockle, see Line No. 326: Duration Aggregate. Durations are already built into the W3C Schema specification: timeDuration represents a duration of time, like the [ISO 8601] extended format PnYn MnDTnHnMnS. Like everything I pretend to know about schemas, I found this out from Martin Bryan's "Datatyping for Electronic Data interchange - Draft CEN/ISSS Workshop Agreement," at http://www.cenorm.be/isss/Workshop/ec/Datatyping/data99_000.htm. Martin goes on to say: Time durations are periods expressed in terms of years, months, days, hours, minutes and/or seconds according to the Gregorian calendar. These are expressed as an integer (or decimal number) followed by a letter. The letter P is used to identify the start of the period definition, the letter T being used to identify the start of the time components within the period. The basic format of a timeDuration definition is PnYnMnDTnHnMnS, where n is the appropriate integer/decimal. Values can be truncated by omitting one or more of the lower order numbers and the associated qualifying letter. If the number of years, months, days, hours, minutes, or seconds in any expression equals zero, the number and its corresponding designator may be omitted. The whole of the date can also be omitted by following the P with a T. This is different from the timePeriod type, which I think must be an ISO 8601 Extended format period of time identified by its start and end dates, e.g., l985-04-12T23:20:50/1985-06-25T10:30:00. William J. Kammerer FORESIGHT Corp. 4950 Blazer Memorial Pkwy. Dublin, OH USA 43017-3305 +1 614 791-1600 Visit FORESIGHT Corp. at http://www.foresightcorp.com/ "Commerce for a New World"
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