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Subject: BSR - the Basic Semantic Register
Mary Kay told Alain that she "did not mean that we would be using the BSR." Has the BSR been ruled out altogether? Are there technical problems with the BSR taxonomy that makes it unsuitable? Martin Bryan says in the "The Role of Semantics in E-business," at http://www.sgml.u-net.com/relationships.htm, that "...there are different dictionary entries for each context in which the identifier is applied [which] makes it difficult to recognize the fact that there is a relationship that exists between all entries that share the [Basic Semantic Component]." That sounds like a technical objection, though probably not insurmountable. Thank you, Martin, for your paper. I appreciate Martin's openness and candor. Are there other problems with the BSR? Let's lay it all out on the table: if the BSR sucks for some reason, then please share. Is it because it is incomplete? Is it because the Terms are all wrong and out of compliance with ISO 11179? I figure if it's free for the taking, the BSR deserves some serious consideration. William J. Kammerer FORESIGHT Corp. 4950 Blazer Memorial Pkwy. Dublin, OH USA 43017-3305 +1 614 791-1600 Visit FORESIGHT Corp. at http://www.foresightcorp.com/ "Commerce for a New World"
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