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Subject: Re: ebXML Entity Classes - Resend
JohnMcClure or Robert Miller (Ican't work out who) wrote <I envision a future where the X12 and UN/CEFACT dictionaries give way to a single global encyclopedia of information objects, defined not in teram of some given syntax, but rather in terms of their semantic meaning, interrelationships, and defining processes supporting those interrelationships. I know that dream is a long way from fulfillment. Yet I also know our understanding of business processes and the data which drive and control them has advanced remarkably in the short period of time represented as the computer generation. I certainly believe my dream will be fulfilled in this century, and really expect it to happen within the first half of this century. That's still a long time, and well exceeds my life expectancy. But it is absolutely a dream that is within reach of those now entering the profession./> The statistical domain are working on this right now (and for multi-dimesional data they solved it 6 years ago). Consider that we have to collect data about almost everything and be able to validate it. We do this, not with thousands of XML elements, but with a model which has classes such a "Concept", "Variable", "CodeList" "Structure" etc. With this, you can describe most (perhaps all) "documents". Of course, the domain has to agree on a vocabulary, so you don't get away without any hard work in the harmonisation world. But you do avoid developing a DTD for every document (or, in statistics case, every questionnaire or multi-dimensional dataset). Anyway, back to ebXML, and I think you will find that there will be a core set of comonents types, which will be re-used, extended, and renamed as they become specific elements in a document. This is what the core compoent model says. Chris Nelson Dimension EDI
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