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Subject: Vienna 0.5 Technical Spec


I have the following to report.

1) I spent the past week and more getting the HL7 proposal into order, per
the phone call of March 15.
2) I met members of the Business Process Team at the  Edifact Working Group
(EWG) meeting in Washington last week, and they asked how they can help in
the Proof of Concept.
3) I worked with leaders of the Core Components at the EWG meeting last
week and discussed the POC.

This is the first draft of the Technical Spec, and it will be updated
several times this week. It will have a lot more editing and work to fill
it out.

Regards, Sig

(See attached file: ebXML Technical Planning Document for Vienna  0.5.doc)

ebXML Technical Planning Document for Vienna 0.5.doc

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