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Subject: RE: Fantasies
Hi William If we are not dreaming in a positive way towards a future when we can enable more automation then we are just not doing the right standardisation work. I would agree that some of the context ideas do seem somewhat far out but I for one believe that over time we will not only get to implementing them but we will also eventually wonder how we managed without them. Sue Sue Probert Director, Document Engineering Commerce One Tel: +44 1332 342080 www.commerceone.com -----Original Message----- From: William J. Kammerer [mailto:wkammerer@foresightcorp.com] Sent: 02 April 2001 21:18 To: 'ebXML Core' Subject: Fantasies Arofan Gregory says "contextual definition of core components, and of modelling those core components" will allow us "to do things that are impossible today, such as auto-generate mappings between syntaxes or vocabularies, or to automatically determine where my document definitions and yours disagree, even though we may have used different local names for the same bits of data." Dear Arofan: Oh, come off it! When pigs fly, we will. If you could do that, then we'd just dispense with standards altogether, and just model both end-points so they could "talk" to one another. Heck, I haven't even yet seen anyone take a UML data model and generate schemas from it - and that should be a lot simpler. People tried and tried to come up with semantic mappings between X12 and EDIFACT and never did - so I wouldn't hold my breath now waiting for this mumbo-jumbo of auto-transforming ebXML core components into EDIFACT, or vice-versa. William J. Kammerer FORESIGHT Corp. 4950 Blazer Pkwy. Dublin, OH USA 43017-3305 +1 614 791-1600 Visit FORESIGHT Corp. at http://www.foresightcorp.com/ "accelerating time-to-trade" ------------------------------------------------------------------ To unsubscribe from this elist send a message with the single word "unsubscribe" in the body to: ebxml-core-request@lists.ebxml.org
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