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Subject: RE: What do people really expect from ebXML? - spinning mirrors?
Back when I was in high school, just a few short years ago, I took a Physics class and one of our assignments was to figure out the speed of light using Foucault's method based on spinning mirrors or some such nonsense. Though we were provided with the materials and detailed instructions, I - having no patience or desire to get my hands dirty - proceeded to figure out how to do the least amount of work. So instead of laboriously screwing around with mirrors, motors and lasers, and making repeated measurements, I figured if I started with the (known) speed of light I could just work backwards and calculate (on a computer, which they had in those days) the correct position and rotation of the geegaws. Needless to say, I came up with a beautiful set of experimental observations. Unfortunately, I was the only one in the class who came up with anything near the correct answer - apparently the teacher had left out a step or two in his instructions, which would have made arriving at the actual speed of light impossible. I was found out, and swore off the hard sciences from that day forward. Lack of patience is a family trait, as witness my great-uncle Paul Kammerer, from Vienna. Uncle Paul was a Commie, and was intent on proving the inheritability of acquired characteristics, which would somehow buttress Marxist ideology. See http://www.mbl.edu/publications/Ciona/Kammerer/. Anyway, instead of waiting to see if his experiments proving Lamarckian inheritance would be borne out, he supposedly counterfeited results which, when discovered, ended in disgrace and suicide in 1926. Fortunately, the Cincinnati Kammerers came through relatively unscathed by the scandal, though we had for a short time considered changing the family name to Goebbels. Despite these unfortunate histories, I would still advocate reverse engineering when it comes to core components. Instead of analyzing a "process," which is messy, - and besides, the process may not give us any idea of what the data requirements are - we should just work backwards and mine core components from already existing materials like EDI guidelines and EDIFACT directories. David Lyon wants simple transactions, like POs. Instead of agonizing over the "process," why not look and see what's been done before? - where presumably the authors thought long and hard into what goes into a simple PO. But where should we start? Simpl-EDI sounds, well - simple. See http://www.e-centre.org.uk/products_edi_simpledi.htm But simplicity belies its name - the EDIFACT messages are simple only because assumptions are made on the use of sophisticated databases keyed on EAN (UPC) codes and EAN GLNs. Simple - yes, but for LEs (Large Enterprises)! Maybe a more fruitful model is that of the Open Buying on the Internet (OBI) Consortium, whose specification provides for a simple ASC X12 850 PO; see http://www.openbuy.org/. If my arguments aren't convincing, then have a look at the ebXML Catalog of Common Business Processes (bpproc_v0.99.pdf), whose section 6.4 - Discovery of Core Components - notes the following: The catalog of common business processes is useful for discovery and analysis of core components that will be used as the building blocks for deriving business documents within a given context. This can be done by checking all sources of documents listed and cross-referenced on the Common Business Process Catalog to identify a document that may have the information needed (which may be EDIFACT, X12, xCBL, RosettaNet PIPs, CII, OAG BODs). There may be an existing document, which is similar and could be evaluated. Next identify if the document components meet the business requirements. If so, then these components can be reused. Sounds reasonable. I'm sold. William J. Kammerer FORESIGHT Corp. 4950 Blazer Pkwy. Dublin, OH USA 43017-3305 +1 614 791-1600 Visit FORESIGHT Corp. at http://www.foresightcorp.com/ "accelerating time-to-trade"
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