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Subject: RE: [ebxml-dev] RE: OASIS Members to Develop Universal Business Language

Title: RE: [ebxml-dev] RE: OASIS Members to Develop Universal Business L anguage
I will try to answer your questions, in-line, below...
-----Original Message-----
From: Kremena Gotcheva [mailto:infom@bcci.bg]
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 1:12 PM
To: Gregory, Arofan; paulh@vcisolutions.com; 'Duane Nickull'
Cc: ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org
Subject: Re: [ebxml-dev] RE: OASIS Members to Develop Universal Business Language

> You make a point about industry-specific vocabularies that is exactly one of the issues that the core component mechanism was designed to address. This is the idea of
> "context" as used in these specifications.
To make things simpler, you actually have also to consider diverse national regulations handling the same industry worldwide.[Gregory, Arofan]  The Context mechanism does capture the combination of global, governmental, and industry distinctions: there are a set of categories in the context spec which are combinatorial. These are: (1) Business Process; (2) Industry; (3) Product; (4) Legislative; (5) Business Process Role; (6) Supporting Role (third parties to the transaction); (7) Systems Capabilities. You can describe almost any business situation fairly completely here.  My next questions to all of you:
> The context mechanism provides a way for each industry or other interest group to specify deviation from core components and standard message types, and to tie that
> specific deviation to their industry, business process, product, geographical setting, legislative influences, etc.
Can you give me a hint/link towards specs/definitions for the context mechanism? A dummy-guide, maybe? Or just a simple explanation how it is supposed to work in practice?
[Gregory, Arofan] The best place to go in the immediate future will be the specification at www.ebtwg.org. This should be released in a week or so. This will be followed by the release of a complete end-to-end example, and of the actual library of core components thus far identified and catalogued, hopefully within a metter of a few weeks (I'm not sure of the timeframes). Note that the books currently available on the subject are *not* (in my opinion) worthwhile, because they are outdated, and that the same holds true in the case of core components for what was published as technical reports  at the end of the ebXML effort last May. Too much work has gone into the core components and context specification that has refined and clarified the contents of those technical reports for them to be considered up-to-date.
> A business person goes to look in the repository for what document structure to use. By filling in information about    what business process, what industry, what
> geographical region, and what products, he will discover exactly what        changes to the generic components and documents other people using the repository saw as
> necessary to do business in    the same situation. Because it is easier and cheaper to re-use others work than to do a redesign, the busines person    will take what he finds, and
> use it. Only if something is missing will the businessperson have to go back and create    something new, and only where the gap specifically is. This new work would then
> become available for that specific      business situation in the repository, for others to discover and re-use.
Specifically, to rise the policy discussion once again - who is the likeliest operator for such repository - service providing businesses, state, third parties such as trade facilitation units/bodies, or all of them jointly? Does such practice exist, to your knowledge? Where (give URL)? Are there already existent ebXML compliant industrial repositories known to you, and in which countries?
[Gregory, Arofan] This has not yet been determined. I personally see the existing set of standards bodies as the likely operators of these repositories, but to my knowledge there are none currently in operation (not surprising since the spec hasn't been finalized yet). Duane Nickull's company XML Global has done some work with the  ebXML specs and their own repository software which will show that the basic concept is implementable, but I am not aware of any live repositories even using their implementation. They might know more. People reading this list may know of similar cases where some work has been done.
And, more to the point, how is the business person in your example supposed to notify the repository operators that there is a gap and (s)he has a proposal to fill it wit such and such component?
[Gregory, Arofan] My impression is that this functionality would need to be part of the repository functionality. While it is standards bodies that maintain the official list of core components, the use of those components will be up to the business users. If I find a gap and take the trouble to build a new component for my business context (termed a "business information entity" in the core components specification), then the interface repository will allow me to check my new component into the repository. This would be a process of indicating which core component I was building on, what changes I needed to make, and what my business situation ("business context") is. 
The ongoing Technical Architecture work now occurring in UN/CEFACT will be addressing this point, as will - presumably - the OASIS follow-on work around the ebXML Registry (although I don't know this for a fact).
[Gregory, Arofan] 
I hope this is helpful.
Arofan Gregory 

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