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ebxml-dev message

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Subject: Re: [ebxml-dev] Uml to XML conversion

From: Pinar P 
> I am trying to convert UML models( use-case,
> class, and activity diagrams) to ebXML business
> procesess, and businesss documents, the BP
> Specification document, ebXML Technical Architecture
> documents mention about production rules for such a
> conversion,
> however I have not been able to find further
> information about these rules on ebXML website, can
> the BPWorkshhets document be useful for me ? 
> or is there any other document you might suggest,
> that contains further information

eBTWG is the UN/CEFACT followon group to ebXML.
There are two eBTWG projects that will deal
with UML to XML production rules:

Nothing immediately available, but help is on the way.

-Bob Haugen

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