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Subject: Re: [ebxml-dev] fwd:[POLL] ebXML Reg./Rep. on Apache?

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Peter Kacandes wrote:

> Greetings,
> We have submitted the following proposal (see below) for a new sub-project at
> Apache to complete a specification compliant implementation of the ebXMLRR based
> on a project that was initiated at Sun.
> The code base for this proposal was developed by a team that is primarily
> working on the JavaTM API for XML Registries ('JAXR'). However, this project is
> not part of JAXR in any way. It is not an API but an actual implementation (
> which is on the order of 60-75% complete) of the specification. Note also that
> this code base is different from the binaries available on the Sun web site.
> Although we have shown this implementation we have not previously made it
> available to the public. The code base does not have any requirements for an app
> server nor an ldap server.
> If you might have any interest in working on this project, then it would be most
> helpful for you to send an email to the general@xml.apache.org alias (you may
> have to sign up on the alias first if you are not already a participant).
> With your support and help, I am confident that we could create a robust ebXMLRR
> implementation community.
> cheers
> Peter
> ------------- Begin Forwarded Message -------------
> Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2001 18:27:58 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Peter Kacandes <Peter.Kacandes@Sun.COM>
> Subject: [POLL] ebXML Reg./Rep. on Apache?
> To: general@xml.apache.org
> Cc: pnk@wcs.SFBay.Sun.COM, farrukh.najmi@east.sun.com, twleung@sauria.com
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-MD5: FZSthEEs9fysOgw08gZmKg==
> Background:
> ebXML (electronic business XML) is an initiative sponsored by OASIS and
> UN/CEFACT to create "a modular suite of specifications that enables enterprises
> of any size and in any geographical location to conduct business over the
> Internet."
> One of the specifications in the ebXML suite deals with XML registries and
> repositories: "The OASIS ebXML Registry TC develops specifications to achieve
> interoperable registries and repositories, with an interface that enables
> submission, query and retrieval on the contents of the registry and repository."
> Details can be found at:
> http://www.ebxml.org/
> http://www.ebxml.org/specs/index.htm#technical_specifications
> http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/regrep/
> As part of our work on the ebXML initiative, Sun Microsystems Inc. has developed
> a JavaTM based implementation of the registry and repository specification that
> we have shown on various occasions such as trade show demos.
> We have received numerous inquiries from many different parts of the developer
> community expressing interest in being able to work on this implementation to
> produce a fully specification compliant implementation.
> Sun has determined and given approval for making this implementation available
> to an open source community. Consequently, we would like to submit this proposal
> to the members of the Apache XML project for consideration of accepting this
> donation as a sub-project.
> Thank you very much for your attention to and consideration for this proposal.
> We look foward to your questions, comments, or concerns.
> Sincerely yours,
> Peter Kacandes
> Sr. Product Manager, Java XML APIs      phone number:   408 276 7139, X17139
> Java Software Products                  email:  peter.kacandes@sun.com
> ------------- End Forwarded Message -------------
> Peter Kacandes
> Sr. Product Manager, Java XML APIs      phone number:   408 276 7139, X17139
> Java Software Products                  email:  peter.kacandes@sun.com
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> The ebxml-dev list is sponsored by OASIS.
> To subscribe or unsubscribe from this elist use the subscription
> manager: <http://lists.ebxml.org/ob/adm.pl>


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