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Subject: RE: [ebxml-dev] Off-the-shelf ebXML software packages

>>2) If off-the-shelf packages are the way to go, why haven't I be able to
>>locate any news of impending releases, for it has been half a year since
>>the finalisation of ebXML? Are they any releases on their way, and how
>>soon ? At what price range too (even as cheap as <1000 USD)? 

This is the ideal price point, however, integration tool vendors think they
can command high prices just because they "can".  They are "threatened" by
this price range. And I have heard vendors explain price increases are "to
be in-line with the competition", and even have stated that some of their
clients have asked "what's wrong with your product since it is cheaper than
your competition?".  Its smoke and mirrors.

If there is anything that Microsoft did right was to make some software
affordable to the small guy (SME).  If mass proliferation is to occur, than
the ebXML price point should be no more than MS Office for the SME.

Personally, I favor the open source movement to make ebXML happen.

I would invite the vendors posted at the following URL to also post their


Scott Nieman
Practice Director - eIntegration
Synchromesh Consulting

-----Original Message-----
From: Charlie Ang
To: ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org
Sent: 12/4/01 11:57 AM
Subject: [ebxml-dev] Off-the-shelf ebXML software packages

I am rather new to ebXML, and hence to this list. I have been doing my
personal study on how the ebXML standards will manifest themselves in
the market/industry. I haven't been able to find much useful stuff that
shows the adoption roadmap for end-users, and how vendors will lead the
way in the roadmap (most news article merely describe what ebXML is).
Hence, I am hoping this list will guide me a bit.
These are my questions :
1) What is the likely adoption roadmap intended by the ebXML creators ? 
Is it cheaply available, interoperable, off-the-shelf ebXML software
packages, by which the users can choose during installation-time the
components they want by selecting options ? or are they expensive
heavy-weight "engines" that requires plenty of customization (like how
BizTALK is customised for RosettaNet) ?
I suspect and hope that it is the off-the-shelf packages are more
applicable to ebXML, given that it is supposed to be within SMEs' reach.
2) If off-the-shelf packages are the way to go, why haven't I be able to
locate any news of impending releases, for it has been half a year since
the finalisation of ebXML? Are they any releases on their way, and how
soon ? At what price range too (even as cheap as <1000 USD)?
Many thanks if you can help me...
Charlie Ang

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