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Subject: RE: [ebxml-dev] EbXML Sun implementation

From my coding days..., it is best to be able to 
tell the "packaging" service layer/box
whether it is packaging things up for HTTP or SMTP,
because there can be variations in the packaging
needed for the different transports: content-transfer-encoding, 
for example. The other (non-SMTP, non-HTTP) 
protocols are not MIME-aware afaik, so
it should not matter which packaging option you use. [But
I would do HTTP-style because it does not need to mess with
content-transfer-encoding overhead, e.g.] So, while the
packaging is structurally equivalent over transports, they
are not bits-on-the-wire equivalent. I would not overdo
the "encapsulation" idea for that reason. [You may be able
to provide a common MIME+IOstream "template" 
to drive the transport IO,
saving the final details of actual production of bytes
to the write routine of the transport layers. Left
as exercise for reader.]

-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Laqua [mailto:Nick.Laqua@newtron.net]
Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 9:19 AM
To: Christopher Ferris; LAMY Olivier
Cc: ebxml-dev
Subject: RE: [ebxml-dev] EbXML Sun implementation


I have another question regarding this topic.

how is the encapsulation of the transport layer (protocols like http,
smtp, ftp, mq) and the envelope format (ebxml, rosettanet, biztalk)
supposed to be ? Normally those layers should be separated, but in fact,
there are specific bindings of ebXML to smtp and http in the messaging
spec (last revision).  

Are the prerequisites for smtp and http which are defined in the ebxml
messaging spec just compliant to the standard behaviour of http and
smtp, or does a smtp subsystem have to behave differently when sending
ebXML messages ?

I hope I could make my question clear ;-// 


-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Ferris [mailto:chris.ferris@sun.com]
Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 4:49 PM
To: LAMY Olivier
Cc: ebxml-dev
Subject: Re: [ebxml-dev] EbXML Sun implementation


ebXML's Message Service (the protocol and message
format for ebXML messages) is based upon SOAP as the
underlying envelope format and processing model.

What ebXML does is define standard extensions to a SOAP
message, in full accordance with the SOAP protocol,
that adds features and capabilities such as reliability,
security and addressing, that SOAP itself does not
provide natively.

So, in fact, what you see is a SOAP envelope containing
ebXML extensions which is precisely what you should be



LAMY Olivier wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to use the class
> With the simple code :
>       FileOutputStream fio = new FileOutputStream (new
>       EbXMLMessageImpl ebxml = new EbXMLMessageImpl();
>       ebxml.setAction ("action");
>       ebxml.setConversationId ("4125641");
>       ebxml.saveChanges();
>       ebxml.writeTo (fio);
> I thought I will have an ebxml message but in fact I have an soap
> Thanks
> Olivier
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