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Subject: Re: [ebxml-dev] EbXML Sun implementation
- From: gummi@dimonsoftware.com
- To: LAMY Olivier <LAMY_Olivier@accor-hotels.com>
- Date: Fri, 08 Mar 2002 19:57:01 +0000
You need to set all the mandatory fields
of an ebXML message in order to get anything
out of the EbXMLMessageImpl implementation.
(check the spec for mandatory fields)
If you don't do this, you only get the empty
SOAP message.
In my opinion the code you gave should
throw an exception, since it does not specify
a legal ebXML message.
Hope this helps.
Gummi Haf
Gudmundur Hafsteinsson - gummi@dimonsoftware.com
Dimon Software - www.dimonsoftware.com
"... 'cause that's what tiggers do the best!" - Tigger
| LAMY Olivier <LAMY_Olivier@accor-hotels.com>
08.03.2002 15:40
Please respond to LAMY Olivier
To: ebxml-dev <ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org>
Subject: [ebxml-dev] EbXML Sun implementation |
I'm trying to use the class com.sun.xml.messaging.ebxml.EbXMLMessageImpl.
With the simple code :
FileOutputStream fio = new FileOutputStream (new File("eb.xml"));
EbXMLMessageImpl ebxml = new EbXMLMessageImpl();
ebxml.setAction ("action");
ebxml.setConversationId ("4125641");
ebxml.writeTo (fio);
I thought I will have an ebxml message but in fact I have an soap message.
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