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ebxml-dev message

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Subject: [ebxml-dev] CEFACT ebXML Core Components Specification

Title: CEFACT ebXML Core Components Specification


It appears that the chair of eBTWG has unilaterally altered the submission date for comments to the core components specification from 4 May until 7 May for at least one late submitter.  In order to ensure fairness to everyone, if you have comments and did not meet the 4 May deadline, please forward them to Hans Hansel (hans.hansell@unece.org) today.

Thanks in advance,

Mark Crawford
Research Fellow - LMI XML Lead
Vice Chair - OASIS UBL TC
Editor - UN/CEFACT Core Components
Logistics Management Institute
2000 Corporate Ridge, McLean, VA 22102-7805
(703) 917-7177   Fax (703) 917-7518
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"Opportunity is what you make of it"

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