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Subject: RE: [ebxml-dev] Error Handling

I agree with Sanjay in that ebXML MSH only deals with messaging error in ErrorList per spec. The spec, MS "2.0", has clearer statement regarding error handling module plus a lot of other improvements and I strongly recommend you to consider for your implementation. Based on 2.0, MSH's error handling is a layer above SOAP fault. For application error, I guess defining your own SOAP fault codes may be an option.


Teho Lee

-----Original Message-----
From: Patil, Sanjaykumar 
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 10:32 AM
To: Battenberg, Reinier; ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org
Subject: RE: [ebxml-dev] Error Handling

I guess your "other team" is right i.e. errors/exceptions at business process level are conveyed to the other party by including business process specific error/exception documents in the ebXML Messages. The ebXML Messaging is neutral to whether it is used to carry a business document or a business exception. It's only the messaging level exceptions that make use of the ErrorList construct.

Sanjay Patil
Phone: 408 350 9619                                 http://www.iona.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Battenberg, Reinier
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 9:46 AM
To: 'ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org'
Subject: [ebxml-dev] Error Handling


We are implementing an ebXML 1.0 solution (only the messaging part of it),
and found out that two development teams interpreted the Error handling a
bit different. One team states that if an Error occurs inside one of the two
involved applications, you can use ebXML errorhandling (so it is allowed to
add an ErrorList in the reply), the other teams says that you can only use
the ErrorList if there is an error in the ebXML Message itself (ill
formatting, invalid values eg). If you want to do errorhandling of the
Business Process itself, you need to define your own errormessages and point
your Manifest towards them.

Who is right?


Reinier Battenberg
Senior IT Developer
Mercedes-Benz Customer Assistance Center N.V.
Maastricht, The Netherlands

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