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Subject: [ebxml-dev] CPA Formation
Hi, can anybody help me? I'm trying to programm an automated "negotiation tool" and at the moment I compare 2 CPPs in order to create a CPA. The problem is, that for me it is inexplicit, where certain rules have to be deposed to create a generic tool which can deal with any possible business processes and the appendant actions (e. g. PIP3A4 from Rosettanet with the dependant action bindings). Is it necessary to have a storage or something for each possible business process ? Or in other words: Is there a repository / another XML-specifications for something like mapping rules? E.g. <Buyer> has to correspond with the role <seller> however both partners have to support the same transmission protocol. Where can I derive this information from? Thanks in advance Regine Schilling Regine Schilling Fraunhofer IAO Nobelstrasse 12 70569 Stuttgart Germany Tel.: +49 7 11/9 70-51 50 Fax.: +49 7 11/9 70-51 11 E-Mail: Regine.Schilling@iao.fhg.de http://www.iao.fhg.de
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