Hi All, I became very confused after looking at the pages of UN/CEFACT on their advancements of the ebXML standards for CC and BPSS. I read the following announcements through from their web site on latest news (http://www.unece.org/cefact/index.htm) and got the impression that UN/CEFACT is all done with ebXML. They apparently eventually completed the work of Core Components specifications and are now acknowledging support for UBL. 21 August: UN/CEFACT announces completion of ebXML technical standards work programme with OASIS. http://www.unece.org/cefact/press%20release%20210803.pdf 23 August: UN/CEFACT position on UBL http://www.unece.org/cefact/CSGublstst030821.pdf 26 August: New UN/CEFACT announces release of Core Components Technical Specifications http://www.unece.org/cefact/un_releases_ccts.pdf Could someone explain the meaning of those releases as I am really confused about the meaning of those. Why there are no information about these things in the http://www.ebxml.org page or this list? Is Core Components v.2.0 now an official ebXML standard specification? And what happens to the advancements on BPSS specifications/ebXML specification in whole? Thanks in advance, Paavo Kotinurmi Researcher Software Business and Engineering Institute Helsinki University of Technology Finland Paavo.Kotinurmi@hut.fi
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