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Happy new year; so far so good; thanks

     ebXML's 1999 vision of a complete stack of XML specifications for 
reliable transactional e-business was prophetic.  We said that e-commerce 
standards should be open, simple, modular, interoperable and 
vendor-neutral.  Those goals have proven very relevant in 2004.  Today, 
most of the ebXML layers are testable, implemented reality.  Many other 
standards and proprietary efforts have validated the work -- sometimes by 
extending it, and sometimes as offshoots or competition, often by ebXML 
     Strictly speaking, ebXML is not an "open source" work, because that 
phrase refers to a specific type of licensing arrangement.  But in
and tone, ebXML shares some aspects of the best open source projects:
   -- a broad community of volunteer technical contributors,
   -- convergence by voluntary loose cohesion among layers,
   -- no dependence on a central vendor or product, and
   -- parallel, independent nodes of users all over the globe.

     We are lucky to work with many extraordinary experts in the ebXML 
community.  There are literally too many to mention.  Personally, I'm 
particularly grateful to Klaus Naujok and Simon Nicholson, who preceded me

in chairing the project's (very) loosely-coupled management.  With each 
passing year, it seems we are more distributed and decentralized.  Yet we 
still enjoy a continual stream of new ebXML users in industry, government 
and academia.  At OASIS, where we continue to host several of the
standards, we look forward to its continued success.
     At the recent XML2003 conference in Philadelphia, OASIS sponsored 
several successful ebXML interoperability demonstrations.  But I was 
surprised to hear spontaneous discussions of ebXML in a dozen other 
sessions as well.  ebXML seems to be on a "stealth" growth curve, reaching

critical mass by quiet aggregation of adopters instead of marketing-driven

     I am proud of our continuing association with ebXML, and very
to the large community of volunteers and experts who have created and 
sustained it.  Thank you for your efforts, and best wishes to all for a 
happy, safe and successful new year.

~   James Bryce Clark
~   Manager Tech Stds Dev, OASIS
~   +1 978 667 5115 x 203 central office
~   +1 310 293 6739 direct  

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