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Re: ebXML Vendor selection criteria???

Yes - the company name must start with an "A", end with an "e" and have 
only three other letters ;-)

Seriously, there are a few pieces of work by the OASIS IIC that you may 
wish to review. These deal with inter operability and conformance, not 
with vendor size, stability etc. The Drummond Group also ran inter 
operability tests for ebXML Messaging and to some degree CPA. These were 
sponsored by EAN/UCC international.

Some software providers have partnership programs that have resulted in 
large companies being able to offer ebXML software. My previous company 
had a relationship with iWay Software. They are a large company out of 
NYC and they further VAR with Microsoft. The end result is that 
Microsoft offers an ebXML Messaging adapter on their website (written in 
Java nonetheless).


scroll down the second list to "ebXML" and you will see iWay.

One of my personal recommendations is that vendors who can hide the 
complexity of ebXML from the end user and also add on features that make 
it solve a problem are likely to be favored. That is merely my opinion 


Zachary Alexander wrote:

> All,
> I have been working with a client on to develop an ebXML vendor 
> selection process. Are there any published defacto standards or best 
> practices for ebXML Software suppliers and/or service providers? What 
> are best software supplier partnership programs? If there arent any 
> partner programs, over what time frame do you think these programs 
> might develop?
> Thanks,
> Zachary Alexander
> The IT Investment Architect
> ebTDesign LLC, (703) 283-4325
> http://www.ebTDesign.com | http://www.p2peconomy.com | 
> http://www.itinvestmentvehicle.com | http://www.semanticviewpoint.com

Senior Standards Strategist
Adobe Systems, Inc.

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