Michel, <Michel>I am currently trying to implement the CCTs that have been defined in the CCTS. I am trying to make these usable by our analysts when they model their requirements. However, I have come accross a problem. The CCTS has defined a type called NumericType. This type is supposed to hold "numeric information that is assigned or is determined by calculation, counting or sequencing. It does not require a unit of quentity or a unit of measure.". When an analyst is looking at a value he is used to considering a value as an integer or a decimal value and in certain circumstances he wants to ensure that the value is only integer. He may also want to ensure that the value is unsigned. My question is, how does one describe such a common type as integer or positive integer which are in prinicple merely restrictions of the type numericType?</Michel> The Core Component Type "Numeric. Type" is of the primitive type "Decimal". According to Table 7-1 for Decimals you can specify six Content Component Restrictions or Facets: Total Digits, Fractional Digits, Minimum Inclusive, Maximum Inclusive, Minimum Exclusive and Maximum Exclusive. You can in addition use the Supplementary Component "Numeric. Format. Text", which unfortunately is not further defined in CCTS. <Michel>Is it possible to create a specific CCT that inherits the same properties as numericType but restricts it to integer values?</Michel> Whenever you restrict values you should define a "Data Type", that inherits the properties of the Core Component Type it is based on, but with more restricted values (defined by means of Facets on Content and Supplementary Components). <Michel>I also have a socond problem with the CCTS that concerns the coherence with the naming convention. In looking at the CCTs and in particular table 8.1. I find that the attributes for a given object class do not all have the object class as the primary representation term. For example Amount Currency.Code List Version. Identifier and Amount Currency. Identifier are both a part of the object class Amount. According to the CCTS they should have the object class term "Amount". The sema is true for the object class "Code" where all its attributes are associated with the object class "Code List" except for "Content" and "Name. Text". Again we can see the same inconsistancy for the "Identifier" "Quantity" and "Measure" object classes. There also appears to be an inconsistancy with the use of the "Language" attribute as it appears in several CCTs (Code, Text) but does not take the object class to which it belongs. Are these inconsistancies normal? And if so, where are rules that allow one to use attributes with different object classes in a given class described?</Michel> You are referring to Supplementary Components which, according to figure 7-1, are no Core Components and consequently do not need to conform to the Core Component Naming Conventions (although I agree it would have been less confusing and more consistent if they did). Hope this helps. Fred
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