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Subject: RE: [ebxml-dev] ebXML core components derivation by restriction

Mr. Gould,

I won't bother to address your ignorant claims regarding some level of control by the U.S. government, since it is clear that you do not understand the difference between international standards bodies and government policies.  But I do have a question regarding the nature of your comments and exactly who shares your beliefs.  Since there does not seem to be any disclaimer in your email to the contrary, could you please confirm that you are speaking on behalf of the Australian Open Interchange Consortium and that in addition to the OIC, the following individuals and companies associated with that consortium approve of and agree with your anti-zionist, anti-American statements.  Could you also futher confirm that such statements are consistent with organizations seeking acceptance of their proposed Constitution by the NSW Department of Fair Trading? And could you also confirm that OIC believes that the Australian government is incompetent when negotiating with other countries?


Public Officer: Ken BROMFIELD kmb@oic.org

Web Master: Lars SORHUS web@oic.org

Events Co-ordinator: Stevan GILLMORE events@oic.org

Projects Co-ordinator: Stephen GOULD projects@oic.org

Technical issues: Guy BLOMBERG technical@oic.org

Other members of the OIC Management Committee are:


Patricia COLLINS

OIC companies include:

Greg BELL/Jeremy BELL Advansys

Bruce ASKEW Bruce Askew & Associates


Stephan SMYDZUK Commonwealth Bank Aus

John MILFORD/Ron EXTON Decision Support Centres Aus

Simon TILLEY Govt Purchasing Index

Stephen GOULD Halisa-NSW Partnership

Robert WHITER Hypercom

Mario CARNIATO Kimberly-Clark

Damien CARR Media Technology

Mark NELSON MN & Associates

James WILSON Optus Communications

Les GILLINGS Quintiles Australia

Stevan GILLMORE SDG & Associates

(The above information taken from www.oic.org)


Mark Crawford

-----Original Message-----

From: Stephen GOULD [mailto:sggould@oic.org]

Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2004 11:15 AM

To: ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org

Cc: Australian Senator; OIC Management Committee

Subject: RE: [ebxml-dev] ebXML core components derivation by restriction

Ron - I agree with you that there needs to be a global non-profit organisation "The UDEF tree structures need to be managed by a global non-profit"

The key issue is that the rest of the world cannot afford for "the global non-profit organisation" to be US based.

The recent deceitful behaviour by the US with the Australia-USA Free Trade Agreement [Aus-USA-FTA] has shown that the US intentions are about electronic imperialism and the US uses Standards to generate revenue for US companies and US companies only

The deceitful behaviour is that:

1 the US negotiated a Treaty while not disclosing in the treaty

with a major ally (Australia) that the US had passed legislation

that proved the US was implementing non-ISO standards so

that US companies could generate income from acting as

Agents for"Document re-formating and re-routing"


2 The US is using the Fear Factor of "Defence against Terrorism"

to co-erce allies into signing these agreements

3 while at the same time aiding and assisting the Zionist

Government to provoke Terrorism


In 1991 I spent 3 months with the European Aerospace Association [AECMA] discussing how to facilitate the exchange of information between stake-holders in the Eurofighter Collaboration http://www.halisa.net/9/9EAECFD1.gif

These meetings were supported by the Australian Trade Commission with discussions on CALS http://www.halisa.net/C1/Austr91.jpg

15 years down the track the US is legislating for the US ANSI-X12 Standards while the rest of the world moves towards ISO Standards which are supposedly supported by the US.

Ron - a large number of people around the world are donating a lot of time, effort and resources while the US is being very deceitful.


I look forward to a simple explanation as to why:

1 the US is legislating for ANSI-X12 Standards while

2 participating on ISO Standard committees like UN/EDIFACT and

3 negotiating Free Trade Agreements that do not reveal what

standards will be used in Electronic Commerce


Stephen GOULD

Chair - Management Committee

XML & E-commerce Special Interest Group


E: sggould@oic.org

T: {61}(2) 9953-7412

W: http://www.oic.org/3a4a.htm

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