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Subject: A brief word on politics and technology (was: ebXML core componentsderivation by restriction)
All: As much as the subject of US foreign policy intrigues and invokes strong feelings, I firmly believe that we, as scientists and technologists, must make a clear separation of science and politics. The people on this list are not responsible for US policy nor is this the place to discuss it. The issue of science and politics is a subject that I have lived with all my life - my great uncle Kenneth Mackenzie worked on the Manhattan project. As World War II neared, my uncle was assigned to help solve the problem of large-scale separation of uranium-235 at the federal Oak Ridge, Tenn., laboratory, a crucial step in the Manhattan Project to create the atom bomb. Our family has always questioned the values of technology and it's relationship to politics. Sometimes it is a hard subject to think about. What if someone uses ebXML or web services technology to hurt others? Are we responsible? A book on this subject called "Hitler's scientists" explores the relationships between technology and politics. After reading the book, I am convinced that a separation exists, even if those who develop the technology have clear political motives. Technology by itself is not inherently good or evil, it just is. Just as people may find good uses for it, others will use it for nefarious purposes for our creations. This may range from flagging a "mustRespond" attribute to launch a smurf style attack to using x509 certificate to encrypt messages tat challenge our way of life. Let's keep the discussion on this list strictly to technology and leave the politics for our personal time. Thank you for listening to my $0.02 worth. Thank you. Duane Nickull More on my uncle: http://www.today.ucla.edu/2002/020813namesfaces.html Speaking only for myself today......
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