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ebXML-Dev subscriber list restored



Due to a hardware failure the ebXML-Dev mailing list and some other OASIS
lists were unavailable for some time.
When the mailing lists were brought back online, the original subscriber
list was not available, so unfortunately some of you may have missed some

OASIS support has now rebuilt the subscriber list, so people that were
subscribed before the failure are now subscribed again using their original
email addresses and will receive future messages.  

Some of you noticed you were no longer subscribed and resubscribed to the
list. If you are one of these, you may now be subscribed using more than one
email address, so you may want to cancel one of these subscriptions.

The ebXML-Dev list archive will be restored in the near future.
Apologies for the inconvenience and thanks to OASIS support for restoring
this valuable resource for the ebXML community.

Kind regards,

Pim van der Eijk 

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