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RE: [ebxml-dev] Acceptance Acknowledgement Business Signal

The component that generates the Acceptance Signal (typically some business application or middleware) can submit this signal with a RefToMessageId referencing the UserMessage that is being accepted.   The MSH will then package this signal in a UserMessage in an ebMS response message, which will be delivered again to some component outside the MSH. 
The receipt signal defined in ebMS 3.0 is generated and handled in ebMS 3.0 message handlers.  

From: Denis Nikiforov [mailto:denis.nikif@gmail.com]
Sent: 11 June 2013 08:00
To: ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org
Subject: [ebxml-dev] Acceptance Acknowledgement Business Signal


It's seems that ebMS 3.0 supports only Receipt Acknowledgement Business Signal.

How to send an Acceptance Acknowledgement Business Signal?



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