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Subject: RE: [ebxml-mktg-sc] FW: JMT Industry Outreach SC Plan


Here is my contribution for SC on Conferences and Seminars:

   Participate at the industry-wide events where actively promote ebXML
   Organize and manage industry-specific seminars in which JMT will play a
   key role for promotion and education of ebXML
   Initiate activity for establishing premier ebXML conference for
   fostering ebXML community across the world.

Regards, Alexei

Alexei Chirokikh, Ph.D.
IT Architect (eBI - EAD East, North)
1630 Long Pond Road
Rochester, NY 14626
Voice: 1.716.720.7534  T/L: 451.7534
Cell: 1.716.509.4869

                      "Yader, Mark                                                                                                    
                      (GXS)"                   To:       ebxml-mktg-sc@lists.ebxml.org                                                
                      <Mark.Yader@gxs.g        cc:       carol.geyer@oasis-open.org                                                   
                      e.com>                   Subject:  RE: [ebxml-mktg-sc] FW: JMT Industry Outreach SC Plan                        
                      08/22/2002 10:02                                                                                                

Ajay, Monica:

Thanks for being the first SC to distribute a plan. I have not produced as
many details as you, but here is my list of "objectives".

1. Encourage and increase active participation in JMT and in their
respective industry groups and organizations

 2. Promote, communicate and champion ebXML-based solutions to real-life
business needs and challenges via collateral for targeted audiences).

3. Foster the exchange of information between users, vendors,and industry
groups and organizations.

Your group and mine will have to work closesly to make sure we don't
overlap our activities (or maybe I should just merge into your SC ?)


      -----Original Message-----
      From: Ajay Sondhi [mailto:asondhi@ebxmlsoft.com]
      Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2002 9:14 AM
      To: carol.geyer@oasis-open.org
      Cc: Monica Martin
      Subject: JMT Industry Outreach SC Plan

      Hi Carol...

      Please find attached a draft of the Industry Outreach sub-committee
      scope, objectives and high level tactics.

      With regards to today's JMT conference call, something's come up and
      I may have a conflict. In case I don't make it on the call in time
      I'd (we'd) like to table the following for discussion:

      1. My understanding was that David was going to review and 'clean up'
      the overall marketing plan? Is this something the steering committee
      needs to review and finalize?

      2.  Is there a schedule of upcoming events in which the JMT
      (collectively) will want to participate?

      3.  We need to set JMT milestones and specific timelines. The
      sub-committees can then structure their deliverables around these
      milestones and the events identified above. I'm sure each sub-team,
      and the Industry Outreach team in particular, will have its own list
      of critical events to consider.

      4. I saw the slides David sent out based on Mark's request. Mark is
      on the right track. I think we need a generic VERY SIMPLE "ebXML:
      Technical" presentation and "ebXML: Business Value" presentation. Do
      we have a presentation template (Powerpoint format or other) for the

      I couldn't remember if we were to forward this plan to you or to the
      steering committee. Please advise if you would like us to forward to
      the group or you can do so at your discretion.

      On behalf of the JMT Industry Outreach sub-committee (Monica and
      myself)...please call if you have any questions...cheers...

      Ajay Sondhi
      VP, Marketing & Business Development
      ebXMLsoft Inc.
      416-706-8940 (mobile)
      905-712-3741 (office)

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