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ebxml-mktg-sc message

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Subject: Webber 8/28/2002: [ebxml-mktg-sc] ebXML Mtkg - Bldg our ActionItemsList

So much for making suggestions....Monica
Check this out...
start excerpt   Now that UDDI <http://www.uddi.org/>  is in the OASIS
house, the ability to work closely with the folks on the Directory
Services Markup Language (DSML), Security Assertions Markup Language
(SAML), Business Transactions (BTP), and the various Electronic Business
Extensible Markup Language (ebXML) technical committees could go a long
way toward making UDDI a usable, rather than just a theoretically
possible, technology.  end excerpt

	-----Original Message----- 
	From: David RR Webber - XMLGlobal 
	Sent: Wed 8/28/2002 5:48 PM 
	To: Monica Martin 
	Cc: Alexei Chirokikh; ebXML Mkt Steering 
	Subject: RE: Chirokikh 8/28/2002: [ebxml-mktg-sc] ebXML Mtkg -
Bldg our ActionItems List

	Good input.   What this raises is the notion of when is an
	article complete?
	I say we want lots of articles - since each will have a
	particular slant.
	I'm happy to have Alex 'do his thing' - then we can review
	and build out from there.
	I'm also thinking we can use Registry to store and classify
	these articles for us, and provide a searchable frontend
	for people.
	On a given topic we can expect to have three or five papers,
	i) Executive ii) Developer iii) Analyst iv) Business User
	and v) Success Stories,  focused.
	You are definately in the hot-seat to coordinate all this
	for us ; -)
	Thanks, DW.
	Message text written by Monica Martin
	>(1) ebMS paper
	I believe we could use the knowledge of several entities
worldwide who
	have implemented ebMS to complement such a paper.  Suggest
	discussion tomorrow.  I would also be happy to provide some
	Another good source for the ebMS paper to assist Alexei would be
	insights of the ebXML IIC who have been working to develop test
	framework for ebMS conformance and interoperability support.
	(2) Timelines affecting industry subteam plans - suggest Ajay
and I map
	to the items we suggested to make sure we are in sync.

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