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Subject: [ebxml-mktg-sc] FW: XML Europe abstract
FYI -----Original Message----- From: Pim van der Eijk [mailto:pim.vandereijk@OASIS-OPEN.ORG] Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2003 2:49 AM To: PILOT-PROJECT-1@LISTSERV.CENORM.BE Subject: XML Europe abstract Dear all, The following abstract was submitted to XML Europe, at which we intend to present and promote our project. Let's hope it gets accepted .. Apart from this presentation, I know some of the vendors were considering submitting abstracts describing their products that may also reference the project. I also wrote an article on ebXML messaging for the XML.com developer site that has a paragraph on the project. I'll forward the URL once it is published. Pim van der Eijk //////// Presentation title "Overview of the European ebXML interoperability pilot project" Authors Pim van der Eijk (OASIS / Sonnenglanz), Jef Vanbockryck (XT-i), Anders Tholén (Ferrologic), Francesco Fedele (Effedue) Abstract The European ebXML interoperability pilot project is an initiative of the CEN ISSS electronic business (eBES) workshop, started in September 2002 and executed in close collaboration with OASIS. The project's initial aim was to mobilize vendor involvement in the standardization process, the awareness and the implementation of ebXML in Europe. The scope was rapidly expanded to include work on business case scenarios for ebXML, with significant input of user organizations. Two working groups were created. The Business Case Working Group was formed to write a business scenario on how to use ebXML in the real world. The participants of this working group include participants from industry and user organizations and consultants. Key requirements identified are: - EbXML messaging as infrastructure for ERP-to-ERP interconnection - need to support mixed point-to-point and intermediary (marketplace)-based connectivity. - Web forms for message creation, particularly for SMEs - Intertranslation of EDI and (multiple) XML vocabularies - Ease of integration due to use of interoperable ebXML software, deployment guidelines etc. The BCWG came up with a business scenario illustrating these requirements based on an existing marketplace in the steel industry, Steel24-7. Steel24-7 has customers in a.o. the steel and automotive industries. The scenario is an conceptual extension of Steel24-7's production system that already: - uses an ebXML messaging v1 implementation for messaging - offers intertranslation between EDIFACT and ESIDEL (Eurofer's European Steel Industry Data Exchange Language XML vocabulary) for a number of business processes and messages, including Order and Order Response. - offers ERP-to-ERP connections and Web-based access The conceptual extension adds intertranslation of ESIDEL and UBL payloads and demonstrates interoperable messaging using different ebMS v2 implementations. The Technical Working Group was formed by a number of software vendors to test ebXML MS2.0 interoperability between their ebXML Message Handler implementations. This group started by defining and testing a collection of test cases and is now moving to work on exchanging real EDI and XML data from the business scenario, such as Delivery Forecasts from an Automotive 1-tier manufacturer to a number of Steel Suppliers, all using ebXML software from different vendors. The presentation will introduce the project, present the business case, report on the interoperability testing and on implementation of the scenario, and discuss the benefits and feasibility of using ebXML for the case.
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