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Subject: Endorsement for ebMS
TO: JMT Our friend (and Weekly Wire subscriber) Doug Kaye, in his new IT Strategy newsletter, highlights an article about ebXML messaging in a Web services site/newsletter called LooselyCoupled.Com. The article "Sending an unmistakeable message" by David Longworth discusses Steel24-7's use of ebMS and how it provides a migration path from EDI to XML, while still offering reliability and security. See http://www.looselycoupled.com/stories/2003/message-infr0528.html for the article. (Can't imagine how he found out about Steel24-7 ....) But the real endorsement comes from the site's editor, Phil Wainewright in his Weblog entry, "Transactional messaging" (http://www.looselycoupled.com/blog/2003_05_25_lc.htm#200358404) discussing the article ... <quote> I was somewhat surprised when David Longworth first filed this article to discover how little I knew about ebMS, considering its apparent and ready-to-go suitability for plugging this gaping hole in the web services standards stack. In view of how much debate has been expended on this topic in recent weeks, the lack of hype surrounding ebMS is astounding. Perhaps one explanation is that no vendor has any vested interest in promoting ebMS (though if that were the true reason, it would be quite a telling indictment of the vendor community). A more likely explanation is that web services purists tend to dismiss anything associated with ebXML as being tainted by association with inflexible, proprietary EDI solutions. Nevertheless, as David's article this week makes clear, it would actually be quite a smart move to bring the vast mass of EDI users into the ambit of web services, and ebMS has been designed to do precisely that. What's more, it's probably a mistake to dismiss the combined experience of a global community that has been attempting to perfect the art of enterprise-class e-business messaging over the past several decades. They've probably learnt a good few lessons about things that wouldn't even occur to you if your only knowledge of messaging was based on what happens within the sterile confines of a single enterprise network computing environment. </quote> This may find its way into ebXML Forum. Alan Kotok Editor, < E-Business*Standards*Today /> http://www.disa.org/dailywire/ Data Interchange Standards Association akotok@disa.org +1 703-518-4174 p.s. From the Merriam-Webster online dictionary Ambit: Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Latin ambitus, from ambire Date: 1597 1 : CIRCUIT, COMPASS 2 : the bounds or limits of a place or district 3 : a sphere of action, expression, or influence : SCOPE
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