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Subject: RE: [ebxml-mktg-sc] Re: [offline] RE: [ebxml-mktg-sc] [Fwd: [CEFA CT-LWG:261] ebXML legal issues]
Mark, I was thinking of something more cool, liquid and refreshing! I'm reminded of people trashing Galileo for saying the world is round, when obviously it is flat, and then claiming they had no knowledge that the Inquistion used their articles to burn people at the stake. I don't mind people having counter views - but I do get upset when they are just hearsay and not supported by the facts. The constitution allows you to have an opinion - but not to deliberately state things that are not true to wilfully harm someone or something. I'm sure David would be happily looking to sue on behalf of his client if the shoe was on the other foot. DW. ================================================== Message text written by "Yader, Mark (GXS)" > David, Time for some of my Prozac ? Mark <
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