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Subject: RE: [ebxml-mktg-sc] FW: Some question on ebXML
Carol, Here's my swing at some answers. 1. What is the value and volume of business transactions that your standards initiative is seeking to address? >>> The original scope of ebXML remains to provide the means to facilitate global electronic business and trade. This horizontal focus covers larger enterprises down to individual entrepreneurs. <<< 2. Of that volume, what is the breakdown by business (or message group) type? >>> There is a broad crosssection adopting ebXML, from governments through industry sectors to small pilot projects. More information on adoptions can be found from http://www.ebxml.org/ebxml_jmt/#documents and the report there. <<<< 3. What is the breakdown of your target audience by geographical region? What is your breakdown of current membership by geographical region? >>>> Again the adoption report shows this as a graphic http://www.ebxml.org/ebxml_jmt/#documents <<<< 4. What is the current cost to businesses addressing the issues without a market standard? >>> This is always hard to assess. Gartner have given some figures for this. You can see those slides in this presentation: http://www.ebxml.org/ebxml_jmt/documents/ebxml_jan-01_2003.ppt <<< 5. What are the main benefits to businesses from this standards initiative? E.g. Cost savings, improvements in efficiency, increased business flexibility. >>> Clearly when companies invest in new eBusiness systems they want assured results. The following website provides excellent metrics, as does the report on messaging standards. http://www.ebusinessready.org/ebxml.html Messaging metrics: http://www.ebxml.org/ebxml_jmt/documents/wp_messaging_req_052303.doc <<<< 6. What significant initiatives are currently being undertaken by your organisation? What are the timescales for the implementation of these initiatives? >>> Various projects are deploying or deployed. Some of note: a) Utility industry in Texas. b) Utilty industry in Sydney, Australia. c) CDC - USGovernment deployment d) Automotive industry, OAG initatives. e) Metro in Hong Kong - parts supply f) Korea and Taiwan - various government initiatives g) EU - IDA program for eBusiness is adopting ebXML More details on these can be found from http://www.ebxmlforum.com <<< 7. How many businesses are currently using your standards? What is the typical profile of a business using your standards? >>> Complete cross-section from large to medium enterprises. Small business still is enigmatic - but some tools are arriving - BCE Emergis has a solution that starts at $1,000 pricing. <<< 8. What links and initiatives do you have with other standards organisations? How do you ensure a cooperative approach and avoid duplication of effort? >>> OASIS has an extensive set of liaisons - and also its own TAG review board. The OASIS standards process is arguably the best currently available for the development of XML technical specifications - as can be seen from the diverse range of work going on in over 70 TC's right now. <<< <
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