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Subject: RE: AGAIN: [ebxml-mktg] FW: [ebxml-dev] Gartner and ebXML
Message text written by "Yader, Mark (GXS)" >Personally, I don't think the concept of "real-time EDI" is as important commercially as processes such as "Collaborative SCM". Does anyone really care what "real time" is (other than the folks looking for Earthquakes and weather-related disasters) ? <<<<<<<<<<<< Mark, I realized I answered one question but not the other! The importance of the realtime model is in the responsiveness. It is a mistake to think of realtime as just batch but it happens very fast - ( guaranteed to be less than X seconds responses, etc). Two things are different - one is the messaging model of course, where you maintain a "session", and the other is the query/response model and the profiling of who gets access to what and how and when. What is really happening to achieve that is that you reduce the level of control to an acceptable risk / access level and the exact information flows are less defined. So the customer who may not care what is happening "under the hood" certainly will care if their systems are compromised becuase of it! The ebMS V2.0 spec's definately give you the right level of control over that interfacing, whereas WSDL on its own clearly does not, but as I mentioned before combining WSDL with ebMS is both feasible and makes business sense. However I agree strongly that Collaborative SCM is a great application area where we can showcase the strengths of ebXML and Web services being used together. And indeed maybe a Case Study White Paper in such application areas are exactly what customers can benefit from seeing. I think that is what Steve Capell was saying too, eh? Thanks, DW.
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