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Subject: RE: ebXML Proof of Concept Proposal v0.5
Section "ebXML Technical Details", subsection "Packaging" of the POC proposal states: "It should be noted that there is a significant problem with the current draft of the packaging standard that effectively prevents the receiving application from recognizing the header part. The RFC for generating MIME Content-ID mandates only that they be unique strings. Therefore, the receiving application cannot depend on the presence of the “ebxmlheader” and “ebxmlpayload” tokens preceding the unique id to identify the header vs. payload parts. In order to resolve this issue in the demonstration environment, participants must include the “Start:” directive shown in the example above." I believe this section of the POC is incorrect. During the July 21-22 face-to-face meeting the ebXML TR&P team decided to eliminate the dependency on Content-ID to identify a ebXML header body part within a ebXML message and created a MIME media type, "application/vnd.eb+xml", to identify ebXML header documents. This MIME media type unambiguously identifies THE body part containing the ebXML header document. One simply needs to locate the body part identified with the MIME header "Content-type: application/vnd.eb+xml" to locate the ebXML header document. I recommend that POC participants consider using the application/vnd.eb+xml content type to identify the ebXML header document instead of the proposed "Start:" extension header, which is non-standard. Regards, Dick Brooks http://www.8760.com/ -----Original Message----- From: Marc Breissinger [mailto:marcb@webmethods.com] Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 5:25 PM To: ebXML POC Mailing List Subject: ebXML Proof of Concept Proposal v0.5 All, Attached is latest rev of the POC proposal. Please read through and respond with comments. I will complete the TPA section tomorrow. Sorry for the delay, marc ========================================================================== Marc Breissinger voice (W): 703-460-2504 Director, Product Strategy - webMethods, Inc. voice (C): 703-989-7689 Email: marcb@webmethods.com We're hiring!!! Email2: breissim@earthlink.net URL: http://www.webmethods.com ==========================================================================
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