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ebxml-poc message

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Subject: CPP & CPA Followup


There have been a number of questions and I wanted to address them

1.  TPAInfo in header:  DUNS vs HTTP

The TPAInfo in the message header is poorly derived from the tpaML spec and
I would expect updates in the future.  So we do not drift to far from the
tpaML DTD, I would like to see the following:

ebXMLHeader/Header/From = CPA/CPAInfo/Participants/Member?MemberID = DUNS
ebXMLHeader/Header/To = CPA/CPAInfo/Participants/Member?MemberID = DUNS
ebXMLHeader/TPAInfo/TPAId = CPA/CPAInfo/TPAName

HTTP references are found under:



CPA/Transport/Communication/HTTP/HTTPNode/OrgName?Partyname =

2.  Which CPP and CPA's are included:

The outcome of Track 1 is the CPA's for Track 2 and 3.  I considered these
to be priority CPA's and resources were dedicated to get them done first,
complements of Frank.  Note, that these CPAs are for point-to-point,
Philippe mentioned he going to work with us to insure that the hub routing
is done correctly.  I have not had a chance to follow up on this yet, sorry.

Second priority is to get the CPA done for the proposal stage of Track 1
(Fujistu-NTT).  I am going to start work on this with Kenji now.

Finally are the registry clients with servers.  I've attached a sample CPA
from Farrukh that shows a sample registryClientregistryService TPA.  It
would be great to get them all included and in the registry.  I have not had
the time to make CPP's out of this.  Can each of the respective vendors
please take the sample and create the following:

	registryServiceSUN CPP
	registryServiceSterlingCommerce CPP
	registryServiceXMLGlobal CPP
	registryServiceXMLSolutions CPP

	registryClient Cisco
	registryClient Interwoven
	registryClient IBM
	registryClient Fujitsu

3.  Here is the first cut at the PartyName/Track/Role/DUNS/DomainName table:


Has the role for i2 been finalized?

4.  I am working with Sanjay and Hatem to finalize the headers.  This will
follow shortly.

I apologize for any delays.  Please let me know if anything is overlooked or
any other comments.


<?xml version = "1.0"?>
<!--DOCTYPE CPA SYSTEM "cpa-cpp-0.0.dtd"-->

<!--Note: above URL will actually point to a URL in the repository for the schema for CPAML-->
		<CPAName>Sample CPA between Registry client and Registry Service</CPAName>        
			<Member IdCodeType = "DUNS" MemberId = "333333333">                
				<PartyName Partyname = "CiscoRegistryClient">CiscoRegistryClient</PartyName>                
				<Contact Type = "primary">                    
					<ContactTelephone Type = "primary">123-456-7890</ContactTelephone>                    
					<EMail Type = "primary">ksankar@cisco.com</EMail>                
			<Member IdCodeType = "DUNS" MemberId = "000000000">                
				<PartyName Partyname = "SunRegistryService">SunRegistryService</PartyName>                
				<Contact Type = "primary">                    
					<ContactTelephone Type = "primary">781-442-0703</ContactTelephone>                    
					<EMail Type = "primary">najmi@east.sun.com</EMail>                
		<DeliveryChannel ChannelId = "id_registry_http_transport_channel" TransportId = "id_registry_http_transport" DocExchangeId = "id_doc_exchange"/>        
		<DeliveryChannel ChannelId = "id_registryclient_http_transport_channel" TransportId = "id_registryclient_http_transport" DocExchangeId = "id_doc_exchange"/>        
	<Transport TransportId = "id_registry_http_transport">        
					<OrgName Partyname = "SunRegistryService"/>                    
	<Transport TransportId = "id_registryclient_http_transport">        
					<OrgName Partyname = "CiscoRegistryClient"/>                    
	<DocExchange DocExchangeId = "id_doc_exchange">        
		<MessageSet>ebXML Registry Service</MessageSet>            
			<!--Begin Interfaces implemented by RegistryService-->
			<ServiceInterface InterfaceId = "Registry">  
				<OrgName Partyname = "SunRegistryService"/>  
					<Action Type = "basic" Invocation = "asyncOnly" ActionId = "registerParty">      
							<Channel ChannelId = "id_registry_http_transport_channel"/>      
							<ResponseName Required = "yes">RequestAcceptedResponse</ResponseName>      
			<ServiceInterface InterfaceId = "ObjectManager">  
				<OrgName Partyname = "SunRegistryService"/>  
					<Action Type = "basic" Invocation = "asyncOnly" ActionId = "submitObjects">      
							<Channel ChannelId = "id_registry_http_transport_channel"/>      							      
							<ResponseName Required = "yes">RequestAcceptedResponse</ResponseName>      

					<Action Type = "basic" Invocation = "asyncOnly" ActionId = "approveObjects">      
							<Channel ChannelId = "id_registry_http_transport_channel"/>          
							<ResponseName Required = "yes">RequestAcceptedResponse</ResponseName>      

					<Action Type = "basic" Invocation = "asyncOnly" ActionId = "deprecateObjects">      
							<Channel ChannelId = "id_registry_http_transport_channel"/>          
							<ResponseName Required = "yes">RequestAcceptedResponse</ResponseName>      
					<Action Type = "basic" Invocation = "asyncOnly" ActionId = "removeObjects">      
							<Channel ChannelId = "id_registry_http_transport_channel"/>            
							<ResponseName Required = "yes">RequestAcceptedResponse</ResponseName>      

			<ServiceInterface InterfaceId = "ObjectQueryManager">
				<!-- Note only asynch version of interface actions are needed for Tokyo POC-->  
				<OrgName Partyname = "SunRegistryService"/>  
					<Action Type = "basic" Invocation = "asyncOnly" ActionId = "getRootClassificationNodesAsynch">      
							<Channel ChannelId = "id_registry_http_transport_channel"/>      							      
							<ResponseName Required = "yes">GetRootClassificationNodesResponse</ResponseName>      
						<!--Note there is no ExceptionResponse since reponse can convey errors as well-->         

					<Action Type = "basic" Invocation = "asyncOnly" ActionId = "getClassificationTreeAsynch">      
							<Channel ChannelId = "id_registry_http_transport_channel"/>          
							<ResponseName Required = "yes">GetClassificationTreeResponse</ResponseName>      
						<!--Note there is no ExceptionResponse since reponse can convey errors as well-->         

					<Action Type = "basic" Invocation = "asyncOnly" ActionId = "getClassifiedObjectsAsynch">      
							<Channel ChannelId = "id_registry_http_transport_channel"/>            
							<ResponseName Required = "yes">GetClassifiedObjectsResponse</ResponseName>      
						<!--Note there is no ExceptionResponse since reponse can convey errors as well-->         
			<!--End Interfaces implemented by RegistryService-->
			<!--Begin Interfaces implemented by RegistryClient-->
			<ServiceInterface InterfaceId = "RegistryClient">  
				<OrgName Partyname = "CiscoRegistryClient"/>  
					<Action Type = "basic" Invocation = "asyncOnly" ActionId = "registerPartyAccepted">      
							<RequestMessage> RequestAcceptedResponse </RequestMessage>
							<Channel ChannelId = "id_registryclient_http_transport_channel"/>            
					<Action Type = "basic" Invocation = "asyncOnly" ActionId = "registerPartyError">      
							<Channel ChannelId = "id_registryclient_http_transport_channel"/>      
			<ServiceInterface InterfaceId = "ObjectManagerClient">  
				<OrgName Partyname = "CiscoRegistryClient"/>  
					<Action Type = "basic" Invocation = "asyncOnly" ActionId = "submitObjectsAccepted">      
							<RequestMessage> RequestAcceptedResponse </RequestMessage>
							<Channel ChannelId = "id_registryclient_http_transport_channel"/>      
					<Action Type = "basic" Invocation = "asyncOnly" ActionId = "submitObjectsError">      
							<Channel ChannelId = "id_registryclient_http_transport_channel"/>      
					<Action Type = "basic" Invocation = "asyncOnly" ActionId = "approveObjectsAccepted">      
							<RequestMessage> RequestAcceptedResponse </RequestMessage>
							<Channel ChannelId = "id_registryclient_http_transport_channel"/>      
					<Action Type = "basic" Invocation = "asyncOnly" ActionId = "approveObjectsError">      
							<Channel ChannelId = "id_registryclient_http_transport_channel"/>      
					<Action Type = "basic" Invocation = "asyncOnly" ActionId = "deprecateObjectsAccepted">      
							<RequestMessage> RequestAcceptedResponse </RequestMessage>
							<Channel ChannelId = "id_registryclient_http_transport_channel"/>      
					<Action Type = "basic" Invocation = "asyncOnly" ActionId = "deprecateObjectsError">      
							<Channel ChannelId = "id_registryclient_http_transport_channel"/>      
					<Action Type = "basic" Invocation = "asyncOnly" ActionId = "removeObjectsAccepted">      
							<RequestMessage> RequestAcceptedResponse </RequestMessage>
							<Channel ChannelId = "id_registryclient_http_transport_channel"/>      
					<Action Type = "basic" Invocation = "asyncOnly" ActionId = "removeObjectsError">      
							<Channel ChannelId = "id_registryclient_http_transport_channel"/>      

			<ServiceInterface InterfaceId = "ObjectQueryManagerClient">  
				<OrgName Partyname = "CiscoRegistryClient"/>  
					<Action Type = "basic" Invocation = "asyncOnly" ActionId = "getRootClassificationNodesAsynchResponse">      
							<Channel ChannelId = "id_registryclient_http_transport_channel"/>      
					<Action Type = "basic" Invocation = "asyncOnly" ActionId = "getClassificationTreeAsynchResponse">      
							<Channel ChannelId = "id_registryclient_http_transport_channel"/>      
					<Action Type = "basic" Invocation = "asyncOnly" ActionId = "getClassifiedObjectsAsynchResponse">      
							<Channel ChannelId = "id_registryclient_http_transport_channel"/>      

			<!--End Interfaces implemented by RegistryClient-->
	<Comment>This document is an example of the sample CPA between a RegistryClient and the ebXML RegistryService v0.8</Comment>

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