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Subject: RE: CPP & CPA Followup
The set of CPP & CPA samples posted at: http://www.ebxml.org/project_teams/poc/tokyo/ all have the contents of their PartyName (and RolePlayer) elements expressed in the format: companynameNN where: companyname == PartyName as in the suggested table (as quoted below) and NN == one or more of 21,22,31,32, depending on track and role In addition, the actual xml filenames and the CPAName elements follow a similar pattern, e.g.: in a CPP: <CPAName>Extol22 CPP</CPAName> in a CPA: <CPAName>Netfish21 and Extol22 CPA</CPAName> Now, the suggested table drops the "NN" part. This is probably fine if each PartyName plays only one role, but several are playing more than one role. (e.g., see Netfish in the table below). Questions: 1. Are there any potential problems in dropping the "NN" convention? (I think there are....) 2. If not, should all of the posted CPPs and CPAs be renamed & edited accordingly? 3. If it is decided that the "NN" suffix (or any equivalent differentiator) is actually necessary in PartyName, should there also be a unique domain name for each PartyName? Joe Baran -----Original Message----- From: Mark Hale [SMTP:hale@ajubasolutions.com] Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 2:04 PM To: ebXML-poc Subject: CPP & CPA Followup <<snip>> 3. Here is the first cut at the PartyName/Track/Role/DUNS/DomainName table: Cisco/TPA/Client/2110000000000/cisco.ebxml.com Extol/Retail/Seller/3210000000000/extol.ebxml.com Fujitsu/Retail/Buyer/4210000000000/fujitsu.ebxml.com IBM/Automotive/Supplier/5320000000000/ibm.ebxml.com IBM/TPA/Buyer/5110000000000/ibm.ebxml.com Interwoven/TPA/Buyer/1110000000000/interwoven.ebxml.com IPnet/Automotive/Buyer/6210000000000/ipnet.ebxml.com Netfish/Retail/Buyer/7210000000000/netfish.ebxml.com Netfish/Retail/Supplier/7220000000000/netfish.ebxml.com Netfish/Retail/Hub/7230000000000/netfish.ebxml.com Netfish/Automotive/Supplier/7320000000000/netfish.ebxml.com Savvion/Retail/Seller/8220000000000/savvion.ebxml.com SterlingCommerce/TPA/Registry/9118220000000/sterlingcommerce.ebxml.com SUN/TPA/Registry/1511000000000/sun.ebxml.com TIE/Retail/Buyer/1021000000000/tie.ebxml.com TIE/Retail/Seller/1022000000000/tie.ebxml.com Viquity/Retail/Hub/1123000000000/viquity.ebxml.com webMethods/Retail/Buyer/1221000000000/webmethods.ebxml.com XMLGlobal/TPA/Registry/1311000000000/xmlg.ebxml.com XMLSolutions/TPA/Registry/1311000000000/xmls.ebxml.com <<snip>>
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