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Subject: Registry Headers
JP raised a good point. First, I would like to add some background. JP is referring to the ebXML headers for messages going to the RegRep and not the CPA itself. There are two things that must be considered, the CPP/CPA and the header. Though we now have the CPA DTD from Marty, the TPAInfo in the headers are not fully aligned (to prove it TPAInfo ceases to exist in the DTD). In fact, a proposal hit the thread today to align the two. IMHO, I would like to augment JP's proposal from earlier and suggest the following (I've inserted the full element locations in a RegRep CPA into the ebXML Header sample): ---------------------------------------------------------- <ebXMLHeader> <Header> <TPAInfo> <TPAId context = "POC"> CPA/CPAInfo/CPAName </TPAId> <ConversationId context = “ItemAlignment"> uid@requester-domain [from request message] </ConversationId> <ServiceInterface> CPA/BusinessProtocol/BusinessInterface/ServiceInterface?InterfaceId </ServiceInterface> <Action> CPA/BusinessProtocol/BusinessInterface/ServiceInterface/ActionMenu/Action/Re quest/RequestMessage </Action> </TPAInfo> </Header> ... </ebXMLHeader> ---------------------------------------------------------- Example Data: CPA/BusinessProtocol/BusinessInterface/ServiceInterface?InterfaceId = Object Query Manager CPA/BusinessProtocol/BusinessInterface/ServiceInterface/ActionMenu/Action/Re quest/RequestMessage = GetRootClassificationNodesRequest ---------------------------------------------------------- Thanks, Mark
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