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Subject: RE: POC Press event Ideas


I wrote last night that IBM will be there.

Regards, Sig

Hatem ElSebaaly <hatem@ipnetsolutions.com> on 11/22/2000 01:33:24 PM

To:   "'Krishna Sankar'" <ksankar@cisco.com>, Philippe DeSmedt
cc:   Ed Julson <ed.julson@eng.sun.com>, carol.geyer@oasis-open.org,
      susan.struble@eng.sun.com, Simon.Nicholson@eng.sun.com,
      steven.yung@sun.com, ebXML poc <ebxml-poc@lists.ebxml.org>
Subject:  RE: POC Press event Ideas


IPNet is planning to participate. I was under the assumption that
we would use the same demo that was done in Tokyo. Has the plan changed?

If NetFish or IBM participate then we should be all set.

Do you if NetFish or IBM will participate?


-----Original Message-----
From: Krishna Sankar [mailto:ksankar@cisco.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 2:51 PM
To: Philippe DeSmedt
Cc: Ed Julson; carol.geyer@oasis-open.org; susan.struble@eng.sun.com;
Simon.Nicholson@eng.sun.com; steven.yung@sun.com; ebXML poc
Subject: RE: POC Press event Ideas


     Thanks. From what I know, the GCI Vs AIAG depends on the
(marketing is neutral on this) - IBM and IPnet. And we need to include our
esteemed contemporary Philippe which means a hub in the setup ;-)

     I like the CGI Marketplace scenario better, but then how would we
IBM and IPNet ?


-----Original Message-----
From: Philippe DeSmedt [mailto:PDeSmedt@viquity.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 2:32 PM
To: 'Krishna Sankar'
Cc: Ed Julson; carol.geyer@oasis-open.org; susan.struble@eng.sun.com;
Simon.Nicholson@eng.sun.com; steven.yung@sun.com; ebXML poc
Subject: RE: POC Press event Ideas


Thanks for the suggestions. From what I heard through a colleague who was
the ebXML marketing team's conference call this morning, they're leaning
towards showing the GCI scenario versus the AIAG scenario (marketing folks:
please correct me if I'm wrong). As far as Viquity is concerned, we can
in either scenario. I'll leave it up to IBM and IPNet (with input, of
course, from anyone who has an opinion either way) to decide which one to
show. Other than that, the proposal appears to provide a pretty good
of participants as well as of areas of ebXML to cover in this event.

Philippe De Smedt
Viquity Corporation (www.viquity.com)
1161 N. Fair Oaks Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94089-2102
(408) 548-9722
(408) 747-5586 (fax)

-----Original Message-----
From: Krishna Sankar [mailto:ksankar@cisco.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 2:22 PM
To: ebXML poc
Cc: Ed Julson; carol.geyer@oasis-open.org; susan.struble@eng.sun.com;
Simon.Nicholson@eng.sun.com; steven.yung@sun.com
Subject: POC Press event Ideas

Hi all,

     Here is a preliminary POC plan for the press event. Please think
thru and
see if this is workable, fair and includes everybody who wants to

     Start with Nick's POC slides (Nick)
     Go to the Architecture slide upto the point where the three
boxes appear showing the design, configuration and run time. (Mark)

     Go directly to the TPA track - intro slide (Krishna)
     TPA track sequence diagram (Krishna)
     TPA Track topology
          Farrukh's GUI (Farrukh)
               Shows interoperable registry by Sun, XMLs and
          Mark's GUI (Mark) showing TPA formation
          Fujitsu-Netfish (showing TPA Proposal) (Iwasa,Sanjay)

          *********** Question : Do we have NetFish and Fujitsu
participation to
show this ?

     Introduce AIAG track (Sid)
     AIAG Track - Marketplace example

          IPNet - Viquity - IBM

          *********** Question : Does this make sense ? Can
IPnet/Viquity/IBM work
this out Or

                    Should we do the GCI track with
IPNet-Viquity-IBM ?

     end of demo

          *********** Did we leave out anybody ?

     My approximation is this will take about 25 minutes.


     We need 20-25 minutes to show the breadth of vendor participation. I
it is Ok as we need to show that this is real and many companies *have*
stuff working across their products.

     If we have three screens as follows it would be good:

     #1 projector with 4 or 8 monitor switch to show buyer side
     #2 projector with 4 or 8 monitor switch to show seller/supplier side
     #3 projector tied to one computer to show the slides

     In Tokyo, we had two projectors and used one for the slides. So we
between the buyer/seller with one projector


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